I've built a tait based serial programmer to program microcontrols and
eeproms. I used the plans from here in case anyones interested
http://www.semis.demon.co.uk/Pics/PICmain.htm. I would like to be able
to program some PLA/GALs with it. I know lattice and several other
companies have ISP support. Looking at lattices programmig docs, I see
that it uses full duplex serial but I could easily modify my programmer
to be able to switch between full and half duplex data output. Is there
any software out there that would support this programmer? I doubt the
stuff the chip manufactureers provide would support a homebuilt
programmer.(espicially since I'd need the dta and clock lines inverted
although I could do this my self.)
eeproms. I used the plans from here in case anyones interested
http://www.semis.demon.co.uk/Pics/PICmain.htm. I would like to be able
to program some PLA/GALs with it. I know lattice and several other
companies have ISP support. Looking at lattices programmig docs, I see
that it uses full duplex serial but I could easily modify my programmer
to be able to switch between full and half duplex data output. Is there
any software out there that would support this programmer? I doubt the
stuff the chip manufactureers provide would support a homebuilt
programmer.(espicially since I'd need the dta and clock lines inverted
although I could do this my self.)