Programming FPGA in Xilinx Virtex 2 pro board



Hello all,
I am trying to program FPGA on Xilinix virtex 2 pro board. The
only hardware I got other than this board is windriver vision probe2.
Though it is mentioned in the feature list of visionprobe 2 (XE) that
it can do "Flash Programming Code & FPGA Download", I am not able to
find out how to do it. This vision probe hardware can be connected to
CPU JTAG, CPU DEBUG and CPU TRACE port of the board but I am not sure
which port I should use for programming the FPGA (if it is possible to
program). I guess It should be CPU JTAG which is part of JTAG chain
(other ports connected to JTAG chain are JTAG PORT, PARALLEL IV and
SYSTEM ACE connector). The jtag chain is connected to Xilinx PROMs
(which is connected to FPGA).
If I can use CPU JTAG port for FPGA programming, what software I
should be using on my host for this. Anybody tried this earlier. Do I
need some other hardware/cables ?


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