What's the bare minimum of stuff needed to program existing code onto an
Atmel AT89C2051-24PU IC?
One of the filenames ends in .HEX and there's no C or other source so I'm
fairly sure it's all compiled ready. I'm hoping that as with the PicKit2
widget, there's a tiny DOS-window based tool to control the doings, I want to
avoid any large developer environment system, as I run W98 (long story, don't
ask, my reasons are good enough for me), and compatibility is almost certain
to be poor now. The simpler the system I need to program that chip, the
Atmel AT89C2051-24PU IC?
One of the filenames ends in .HEX and there's no C or other source so I'm
fairly sure it's all compiled ready. I'm hoping that as with the PicKit2
widget, there's a tiny DOS-window based tool to control the doings, I want to
avoid any large developer environment system, as I run W98 (long story, don't
ask, my reasons are good enough for me), and compatibility is almost certain
to be poor now. The simpler the system I need to program that chip, the