Program IO 1.2V

Hi, I would like to create a project with FPGA.
You can imagine it as a debug board that need to communicate to other systems with defined protocols and standards...
I would like to begin with a starter kit, not too expensive, <200$, but I would like to have the possibility to communicate using ios @ 1.2V.
Which system do you suggest me?

Thank you very much.

I have a good experience in programming microcontrollers, but this time I would like to use FPGA.
On Saturday, November 8, 2014 7:06:34 PM UTC-8, wrote:
Hi, I would like to create a project with FPGA.
You can imagine it as a debug board that need to communicate to other systems with defined protocols and standards...
I would like to begin with a starter kit, not too expensive, <200$, but I would like to have the possibility to communicate using ios @ 1.2V.
Which system do you suggest me?

Thank you very much.

I have a good experience in programming microcontrollers, but this time I would like to use FPGA.

Thank you Ric, I can already program in Verilog. My fpga will degub "on field" an asic I developed with others.
I have some years experience on it. Any suggestion for the hardware?

Thank you
On 11/8/2014 10:06 PM, wrote:
Hi, I would like to create a project with FPGA.
You can imagine it as a debug board that need to communicate to other systems with defined protocols and standards...
I would like to begin with a starter kit, not too expensive, <200$, but I would like to have the possibility to communicate using ios @ 1.2V.
Which system do you suggest me?

Thank you very much.

I have a good experience in programming microcontrollers, but this time I would like to use FPGA.

Do you know how to design logic? By logic I mean using digital
functional elements like registers, gates, multiplexors and the like.
If not, you will have a bit more trouble learning an HDL than a hardware
person. The problem most people have learning HDL who have experience
with software is understanding the differences. In an HDL nearly
everything runs in parallel in the real sense. Only small parts of HDL
code are interpreted sequentially and even that has to be translated
into logic.

Before you buy any hardware, you should plan your project, download some
tools and try your hand with an HDL and the simulator. It is *much*
easier to debug an FPGA design in the simulator than it is on the bench,
at least for most of the bugs. Everything is at your fingertips in a
simulation. On the bench you have to bring out to pins any signal you
want to view.

You don't need to rush into the actual hardware until you have a design
debugged in the simulator and you are ready to test it on the bench.


On 11/9/2014 1:30 AM, wrote:
On Saturday, November 8, 2014 7:06:34 PM UTC-8, wrote:
Hi, I would like to create a project with FPGA.
You can imagine it as a debug board that need to communicate to other systems with defined protocols and standards...
I would like to begin with a starter kit, not too expensive, <200$, but I would like to have the possibility to communicate using ios @ 1.2V.
Which system do you suggest me?

Thank you very much.

I have a good experience in programming microcontrollers, but this time I would like to use FPGA.

Thank you Ric, I can already program in Verilog. My fpga will degub "on field" an asic I developed with others.
I have some years experience on it. Any suggestion for the hardware?

Ok, I see all my advice was of no value, lol.

No, I don't normally buy eval boards for FPGAs. I'm not aware of any
FPGAs that support 1.2 volt I/Os, but then I seldom go swimming in the
shallow end of that pool. My favorite parts are from Lattice and use
flash or non-volatile memory for configuration storage. The XO3 series
seems to support 1.2 volt I/Os. I don't see a good board for it unless
you are looking for barebones. They have a "breakout" board that
provides a USB interface for programming and not a lot else other than
SMA connector positions, not sure what they are for. Looks like you can
run the entire chip off of a single 1.2 volt PSU if you want 1.2 volt I/O.

If there is something in particular you would like from an eval board I
would be interested in making one. Are you in a big hurry?


On Sunday, November 9, 2014 7:43:43 AM UTC-8, mnentwig wrote:
an alternative is to use external level shifters

and any FPGA board you like. The abovementioned "Papilio Pro" is probably
the first one I'd take out of the box for a "swiss army knife" type of
problem, but basically any board will do. I'd avoid externally powered
boards and too low reference oscillator frequencies (i.e. 12M on Spartan 6
rules out some PLL configurations, 32/50/100M simply avoid the problem).

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Thank you to all, I like the idea of level shifter, I'll use it.
So now I'll concentrate to other details ( memory needed, speed, number of Ios ... ). Thank you to all for your answers, I appreciate.

I have used a "Papilio Pro" (Spartan 6 LX 9) as monitor for 1.8 V (no
1.2V) logic. Configuring inputs for lower logic level works (to m
understanding) by setting it in the constraints file. To drive signals a
the lower voltage, the FPGA needs a different reference voltage.

An "FMC carrier S6" board (Digilent) should be able to drive 1.2 V.
It's a bit more expensive, though. The number of accessible IOs is limite
so you may either need to hand-solder to a FMC connector (which is cheap,
$10) or buy Xilinx' FMC debug board for $150+.

The manual is here:
Note the table at the bottom of page 3. There is an analog mux on the boar
that selects the reference voltage for banks 0 and 1.

The schematic is here:
The voltage selector is on the last page in the botttom right corne

The built-in JTAG interface of the S6 board seemed quite clumsy (th
Papilio upload takes less than a second).
I'd probably go for open-source xc3sprog with an external JTAG interface i
the work with the S6 board requires regular re-builds.

The abovementioned boards don't require paying for a development ki
license, download Xilinx ISE 14.x.

Posted through
an alternative is to use external level shifters

and any FPGA board you like. The abovementioned "Papilio Pro" is probably
the first one I'd take out of the box for a "swiss army knife" type of
problem, but basically any board will do. I'd avoid externally powered
boards and too low reference oscillator frequencies (i.e. 12M on Spartan 6
rules out some PLL configurations, 32/50/100M simply avoid the problem).

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