Process X values in Parametric plot

Hi all, its been a while...

I am writing some ocean scripts to work out sensitivity of various
specifications to design variables. What I would like to do is to
process the X values so I can show them in % terms rather than the
absolute value set for the design variable being changed.

For example, say I am varying a width of a device, and plotting ac-
gain. The normal result from the parametric simulation would be a
graph of the width on the x axis against the ac-gain on the y axis.
However, I want to show the % change from the mean value of the width
on the x axis and the % change from the mean value of the ac-gain on
the y. I can do the y expression just using the calculator, but I
cannot figure out how to process the x-values.

Any help would be appreciated!


Reuben wrote, on 12/12/08 12:47:
Hi all, its been a while...

I am writing some ocean scripts to work out sensitivity of various
specifications to design variables. What I would like to do is to
process the X values so I can show them in % terms rather than the
absolute value set for the design variable being changed.

For example, say I am varying a width of a device, and plotting ac-
gain. The normal result from the parametric simulation would be a
graph of the width on the x axis against the ac-gain on the y axis.
However, I want to show the % change from the mean value of the width
on the x axis and the % change from the mean value of the ac-gain on
the y. I can do the y expression just using the calculator, but I
cannot figure out how to process the x-values.

Any help would be appreciated!


Hi Reuben,

Long time no see!

I suspect you just need to use the xval() function. This will give you the
x-values versus the x-axis.

If that doesn't suit your needs, take a look at functions such as
drGetWaveformXVec() and drGetWaveformYVec(). Then you can use drVectorLength()
and drGetElem() to find individual vector values.



Andrew Beckett
Senior Solution Architect - Cadence Design Systems Ltd (UK)

Welcome to

