Hi everyone, I have this simple procedure which will call two times
another procedure, in which I give actual parameters to assign values.
These actuals are declared in a package so that they can be visible to
all the procedures in any part of the hierarchy.
procedure WRITEop (
ctrl : in string;
data : in string) is
send_data (strobe, write, select, data, io);
send_data (strobe, write, select, ctrl, io);
end procedure;
unfortunately this doesn't compile with Modelsim and the error message
is the following:
procedure send_data(
signal strb : out std_logic;
signal wr : out std_logic;
signal sel : out std_logic;
data : in string;
signal IO_reg : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
) is
variable data_send : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
variable data_line : line;
sel <= '1';
write(data_line, data);
hread(data_line, data_send);
wr <= '0';
strb <= '0';
IO_reg <= (others => 'Z');
wait until rising_edge (clk);
wr <= '1';
wait for 7 ns;
IO_reg <= data_send;
wait until rising_edge (clk);
strb <= '1';
wait until rising_edge (clk);
strb <= '0';
wr <= '0';
wait for 4 ns;
IO_reg <= (others => 'Z');
end procedure;
I wanted to make a procedure which can make different operations calling
other procedures, without the need to pass these actual parameters all
the time.
Have I been clear? (sorry but i don't think is a matter of language,
just a matter of my mind!)
Do you have any suggestions?
Alessandro Basili
Hardware Designer
another procedure, in which I give actual parameters to assign values.
These actuals are declared in a package so that they can be visible to
all the procedures in any part of the hierarchy.
procedure WRITEop (
ctrl : in string;
data : in string) is
send_data (strobe, write, select, data, io);
send_data (strobe, write, select, ctrl, io);
end procedure;
unfortunately this doesn't compile with Modelsim and the error message
is the following:
The "send_data" procedure is the following:# ** Error: ../SlowControl_st.vhd(197): Cannot drive signal 'sc_write' from this subprogram.
# ** Error: ../SlowControl_st.vhd(197): Cannot drive signal 'sc_select' from this subprogram.
# ** Error: ../SlowControl_st.vhd(197): Cannot drive signal 'sc_io' from this subprogram.
# ** Error: ../SlowControl_st.vhd(239): No feasible entries for subprogram "send_data".
# ** Error: ../SlowControl_st.vhd(280): No feasible entries for subprogram "send_data".
# ** Error: ../SlowControl_st.vhd(325): No feasible entries for subprogram "send_data".
# ** Error: ../SlowControl_st.vhd(341): No feasible entries for subprogram "send_data".
procedure send_data(
signal strb : out std_logic;
signal wr : out std_logic;
signal sel : out std_logic;
data : in string;
signal IO_reg : out std_logic_vector (15 downto 0)
) is
variable data_send : std_logic_vector (15 downto 0);
variable data_line : line;
sel <= '1';
write(data_line, data);
hread(data_line, data_send);
wr <= '0';
strb <= '0';
IO_reg <= (others => 'Z');
wait until rising_edge (clk);
wr <= '1';
wait for 7 ns;
IO_reg <= data_send;
wait until rising_edge (clk);
strb <= '1';
wait until rising_edge (clk);
strb <= '0';
wr <= '0';
wait for 4 ns;
IO_reg <= (others => 'Z');
end procedure;
I wanted to make a procedure which can make different operations calling
other procedures, without the need to pass these actual parameters all
the time.
Have I been clear? (sorry but i don't think is a matter of language,
just a matter of my mind!)
Do you have any suggestions?
Alessandro Basili
Hardware Designer