there are some plots to illustrate the following problem
As you can see the control sequence is WRITE READ NOP WRITE READ NOP ...
When I go from WRITE to READ
OE_n becomes active whereas WE_n becomes inactive at
the same time.
The simulation shows that the read data are not correct.
What does go wrong? Is the control sequence not right that is
asserting OE_n and deasserting WE_n at the same time is not allowed?
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards
Andrés V.
some portion of the Controller VHDL code
architecture xy of xyz is
l_write_sram_enable <= (not l_we_bar) and (not l_cs_bar) and l_oe_bar;
Sram_data <= l_sram_data when l_write_sram_enable = '1' else (others => 'Z');
process(Reset, Clk) -- Clk=90MHz
if Reset='1' then
elsif rising_edge(Clk) then
case l_state is
when write =>
OE_n <= '1'; -- SRAM control signals
CS_n <= '0';
WE_n <= '0';
ADDRESS <= ....; -- SRAM address
l_sram_data <= ...;
l_state <= read;
when read =>
OE_n <= '0';
CS_n <= '0';
WE_n <= '1';
ADDRESS <= ....;
l_state <= nop;
when nop =>
l_oe_bar <= '1';
l_cs_bar <= '1';
l_we_bar <= '1';
l_state <= write;
end if;
end process;
there are some plots to illustrate the following problem
As you can see the control sequence is WRITE READ NOP WRITE READ NOP ...
When I go from WRITE to READ
OE_n becomes active whereas WE_n becomes inactive at
the same time.
The simulation shows that the read data are not correct.
What does go wrong? Is the control sequence not right that is
asserting OE_n and deasserting WE_n at the same time is not allowed?
Thank you very much for your help.
Kind regards
Andrés V.
some portion of the Controller VHDL code
architecture xy of xyz is
l_write_sram_enable <= (not l_we_bar) and (not l_cs_bar) and l_oe_bar;
Sram_data <= l_sram_data when l_write_sram_enable = '1' else (others => 'Z');
process(Reset, Clk) -- Clk=90MHz
if Reset='1' then
elsif rising_edge(Clk) then
case l_state is
when write =>
OE_n <= '1'; -- SRAM control signals
CS_n <= '0';
WE_n <= '0';
ADDRESS <= ....; -- SRAM address
l_sram_data <= ...;
l_state <= read;
when read =>
OE_n <= '0';
CS_n <= '0';
WE_n <= '1';
ADDRESS <= ....;
l_state <= nop;
when nop =>
l_oe_bar <= '1';
l_cs_bar <= '1';
l_we_bar <= '1';
l_state <= write;
end if;
end process;