Markus Jochim
I'm just starting with VHDL and encountered a problem with "resolved
types" and "multiple drivers".
The following code does not work.
Altera Quartus II Web Edition says:
"Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "0.'0'" at cnt.vhd(57)"
and complains about the line O <= tmp1;
Xilinx ISE9.1i says:
ERROR:Xst:800 - "C:/Programme/Xilinx91i/Versuch/cnt.vhd" line 58:
Multi-source on Integers in Concurrent Assignment.
and complains about the line O <= tmp2;
I'm sure that both tools know much more about VHDL then I do ;-)
According to my understanding the code should work since I use a
resolved type.
Can anyone help me with this question which is probably a real
"Newbie-Question"... I just can't find a solution in my books and tutorials.
By the way: I'm not looking for a workaround or something... I just want
to understand the problem!
Thanks in advance
package types is
type xbit is ( '0', -- Logical 0
'1', -- Logical 1
'X', -- Unknown
'Z' -- High Impedance
type xbit_vector is array ( natural range <> ) of xbit;
function resolve_xbit ( v : xbit_vector ) return xbit;
subtype xbit_resolved is resolve_xbit xbit;
end types;
package body types is
type xbit_table is array(xbit, xbit) of xbit;
constant resolution_table: xbit_table := (
-- 0 1 X Z
( '0', 'X', 'X', '0' ), -- 0
( 'X', '1', 'X', '1' ), -- 1
( 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- X
( '0', '1', 'X', 'Z' ) -- Z
function resolve_xbit ( v: xbit_vector ) return xbit is
variable result: xbit;
-- test for single driver
if (v'length = 1) then
result := v(v'low); -- Return the same value if only 1 value
result := 'Z';
for i in v'range loop
result := resolution_table(result, v(i));
end loop;
end if;
return result;
end resolve_xbit;
end types;
use work.types.all;
entity threestate is
port (en1, en2: in xbit_resolved;
A,B: in xbit_resolved;
O: out xbit_resolved);
end threestate;
architecture sample of threestate is
signal tmp1,tmp2: xbit_resolved;
tmp1 <= A when en1 = '1' else 'Z';
tmp2 <= B when en2 = '1' else 'Z';
O <= tmp1;
O <= tmp2;
end sample;
I'm just starting with VHDL and encountered a problem with "resolved
types" and "multiple drivers".
The following code does not work.
Altera Quartus II Web Edition says:
"Can't resolve multiple constant drivers for net "0.'0'" at cnt.vhd(57)"
and complains about the line O <= tmp1;
Xilinx ISE9.1i says:
ERROR:Xst:800 - "C:/Programme/Xilinx91i/Versuch/cnt.vhd" line 58:
Multi-source on Integers in Concurrent Assignment.
and complains about the line O <= tmp2;
I'm sure that both tools know much more about VHDL then I do ;-)
According to my understanding the code should work since I use a
resolved type.
Can anyone help me with this question which is probably a real
"Newbie-Question"... I just can't find a solution in my books and tutorials.
By the way: I'm not looking for a workaround or something... I just want
to understand the problem!
Thanks in advance
package types is
type xbit is ( '0', -- Logical 0
'1', -- Logical 1
'X', -- Unknown
'Z' -- High Impedance
type xbit_vector is array ( natural range <> ) of xbit;
function resolve_xbit ( v : xbit_vector ) return xbit;
subtype xbit_resolved is resolve_xbit xbit;
end types;
package body types is
type xbit_table is array(xbit, xbit) of xbit;
constant resolution_table: xbit_table := (
-- 0 1 X Z
( '0', 'X', 'X', '0' ), -- 0
( 'X', '1', 'X', '1' ), -- 1
( 'X', 'X', 'X', 'X' ), -- X
( '0', '1', 'X', 'Z' ) -- Z
function resolve_xbit ( v: xbit_vector ) return xbit is
variable result: xbit;
-- test for single driver
if (v'length = 1) then
result := v(v'low); -- Return the same value if only 1 value
result := 'Z';
for i in v'range loop
result := resolution_table(result, v(i));
end loop;
end if;
return result;
end resolve_xbit;
end types;
use work.types.all;
entity threestate is
port (en1, en2: in xbit_resolved;
A,B: in xbit_resolved;
O: out xbit_resolved);
end threestate;
architecture sample of threestate is
signal tmp1,tmp2: xbit_resolved;
tmp1 <= A when en1 = '1' else 'Z';
tmp2 <= B when en2 = '1' else 'Z';
O <= tmp1;
O <= tmp2;
end sample;