Problems with ModelSim II



Hello all,

I am a absolute newby trying really hard to grasp this Verilog thing and am
having problems with getting my first simple module to compile and work with
ModelSim II - Starter Xilinx edition.

Here is the module:

module counter(clk, cnt, count);
input clk;
output [3:0]cnt;
output [3:0]count;
reg [3:0]count;

always@(posedge clk)
count <= (count + 1) % 11;
cnt = count;


When I attempt to compile the above module, it tells me "illegal use of cnt"
in the line <cnt = count;>
If I comment this line out, it compiles OK, but when I test the module using
a clock defined in the ModelSim GUI, the count register does not change it's
starting value from xxxx. I have stepped the simulation and it definately
executes the line where count is supposed to update.

Can anyone give me any hints? (I'm now getting nowhere)

Regards, Peter
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:29:15 +0800, "Peter" <>

Hello all,

I am a absolute newby trying really hard to grasp this Verilog thing and am
having problems with getting my first simple module to compile and work with
ModelSim II - Starter Xilinx edition.

Here is the module:

module counter(clk, cnt, count);
input clk;
output [3:0]cnt;
output [3:0]count;
reg [3:0]count;

always@(posedge clk)
count <= (count + 1) % 11;
cnt = count;


When I attempt to compile the above module, it tells me "illegal use of cnt"
in the line <cnt = count;
If I comment this line out, it compiles OK, but when I test the module using
a clock defined in the ModelSim GUI, the count register does not change it's
starting value from xxxx. I have stepped the simulation and it definately
executes the line where count is supposed to update.

Can anyone give me any hints? (I'm now getting nowhere)

Regards, Peter
I am not sure why you need the cnt but the problem is that because you
don't have a reg declaration for cnt, its type is net and you can't
assign to a net in an always block. If you want another name for count
you can say:
assign cnt = count;
outside the always block. If you want a delayed copy of the count, you
need to add
reg [3:0] cnt;
to your design. If this is what you want, it is also advisable to
cnt <= count;
instead of the blocking statement although as it currently stands,
there is no difference.

As you your second problem, it's happening because count has a default
value of 4'bxxxx and x+1 is also x so its value never changes from the
default. Without making your design more complicated than necessary,
you can just add
initial count = 0;
which should fix it. Of course this is not synthesizable but you'll
have to cross that bridge when you get to it (ie you need a reset on
the count variable).

Hope this helps.
"mk" <kal*@dspia.*comdelete> wrote in message
On Fri, 29 Jul 2005 13:29:15 +0800, "Peter" <

Hello all,

I am a absolute newby trying really hard to grasp this Verilog thing and
having problems with getting my first simple module to compile and work
ModelSim II - Starter Xilinx edition.

Here is the module:

module counter(clk, cnt, count);
input clk;
output [3:0]cnt;
output [3:0]count;
reg [3:0]count;

always@(posedge clk)
count <= (count + 1) % 11;
cnt = count;


When I attempt to compile the above module, it tells me "illegal use of
in the line <cnt = count;
If I comment this line out, it compiles OK, but when I test the module
a clock defined in the ModelSim GUI, the count register does not change
starting value from xxxx. I have stepped the simulation and it definately
executes the line where count is supposed to update.

Can anyone give me any hints? (I'm now getting nowhere)

Regards, Peter

I am not sure why you need the cnt but the problem is that because you
don't have a reg declaration for cnt, its type is net and you can't
assign to a net in an always block. If you want another name for count
you can say:
assign cnt = count;
outside the always block. If you want a delayed copy of the count, you
need to add
reg [3:0] cnt;
to your design. If this is what you want, it is also advisable to
cnt <= count;
instead of the blocking statement although as it currently stands,
there is no difference.

As you your second problem, it's happening because count has a default
value of 4'bxxxx and x+1 is also x so its value never changes from the
default. Without making your design more complicated than necessary,
you can just add
initial count = 0;
which should fix it. Of course this is not synthesizable but you'll
have to cross that bridge when you get to it (ie you need a reset on
the count variable).

Hope this helps.
Yes, that all makes sense although it was not made very clear in the
tutorial I am using for guidance.
I understand the need for a counter reset signal later on.

Many thanks for your reply.
Regards, Peter
Peter wrote:
I am a absolute newby trying really hard to grasp this Verilog thing and am
having problems with getting my first simple module to compile and work with
ModelSim II - Starter Xilinx edition.

Here is the module:

module counter(clk, cnt, count);
input clk;
output [3:0]cnt;
output [3:0]count;
reg [3:0]count;

always@(posedge clk)
count <= (count + 1) % 11;
cnt = count;


When I attempt to compile the above module, it tells me "illegal use of cnt"
in the line <cnt = count;
You need to buy a good Verilog book. Your question would have been
answered already!

The complaint arises because the output cnt is implicitly declared as
a(n array of) wire(s). You can't assign to a wire in an always block.
Hence, the error message.

If I comment this line out, it compiles OK, but when I test the module using
a clock defined in the ModelSim GUI, the count register does not change it's
starting value from xxxx. I have stepped the simulation and it definately
executes the line where count is supposed to update.
Ask yourself: "What is the value of count at time zero (when the
simulation starts)?" That clue should be sufficient.


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