Hi everybody, I'm having some problems with a conditional generate
statement, and I'm having some bad time trying to figure out the
reason, mainly because I'm quite a VHDL newbie :|
Having to instantiate several (70 and up depending on a generic)
components, I quickly found out the necessity of a generate statement.
Following many examples I found on books and websites, I also created
the necessary vectors to carry the values between each instance.
Here is the code:
entity Filler is
tavolaS : IN table;
l : IN wordkey;
tavolaSmischiata : OUT table
end Filler;
architecture Fill of Filler is
Component mix IS
i : IN integer;
j : IN integer;
A : IN word;
B : IN word;
s : IN table;
l : IN wordkey;
io : OUT integer;
jo : OUT integer;
Ao : OUT word;
Bo : OUT word;
So : OUT table;
Lo : OUT wordkey
SIGNAL iuso : intarray := (others=>0);
SIGNAL juso : intarray := (others=>0);
SIGNAL Auso : wordarray :=
SIGNAL Buso : wordarray :=
SIGNAL nulltable : table :=
SIGNAL suso : tablearray := (others=>nulltable);
SIGNAL nullwordkey : wordkey := (others =>
SIGNAL luso : wordkeyarray := (others=>nullwordkey);
suso(0) <= tavolaS;
luso(0) <= l;
g1: for cont in 0 to (f-1) GENERATE
primo: if cont = (0) generate
comp: mix port map (0, 0, "00000000000000000000000000000000",
"00000000000000000000000000000000", tavolaS, l, iuso(1), juso(1),
Auso(1), Buso(1), suso(1), luso(1));
end generate primo;
altro: if cont > (0) generate
comp: mix port map (iuso(cont), juso(cont), Auso(cont), Buso(cont),
suso(cont), luso(cont), iuso(cont+1), juso(cont+1), auso(cont+1),
buso(cont+1), suso(cont+1), luso(cont+1));
end generate altro;
end generate g1;
tavolaSmischiata <= suso(f);
end Fill;
Should be pretty self-explanatory ("word" is a standard logic vector,
"table" and "wordkey" are word arrays). If I go and simulate this in
modelsim, I will get... well, loads of cr*p. Integers will get values
like -2121893, and pretty much anything else will be U. However if I
modify the generate block to instantiate a single component (*not*
necessarily the first one) it all works like a charm. I don't really
think the problem is anywhere else since when this problem is not
occurring everything else works fine.
Is this caused by a bad conditional generate? Is it a port map problem?
Did I do something wrong with the helper arrays? Should I quit this and
begin teaching basketball to shrimps?
Any help will be more than appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
bye, A.
statement, and I'm having some bad time trying to figure out the
reason, mainly because I'm quite a VHDL newbie :|
Having to instantiate several (70 and up depending on a generic)
components, I quickly found out the necessity of a generate statement.
Following many examples I found on books and websites, I also created
the necessary vectors to carry the values between each instance.
Here is the code:
entity Filler is
tavolaS : IN table;
l : IN wordkey;
tavolaSmischiata : OUT table
end Filler;
architecture Fill of Filler is
Component mix IS
i : IN integer;
j : IN integer;
A : IN word;
B : IN word;
s : IN table;
l : IN wordkey;
io : OUT integer;
jo : OUT integer;
Ao : OUT word;
Bo : OUT word;
So : OUT table;
Lo : OUT wordkey
SIGNAL iuso : intarray := (others=>0);
SIGNAL juso : intarray := (others=>0);
SIGNAL Auso : wordarray :=
SIGNAL Buso : wordarray :=
SIGNAL nulltable : table :=
SIGNAL suso : tablearray := (others=>nulltable);
SIGNAL nullwordkey : wordkey := (others =>
SIGNAL luso : wordkeyarray := (others=>nullwordkey);
suso(0) <= tavolaS;
luso(0) <= l;
g1: for cont in 0 to (f-1) GENERATE
primo: if cont = (0) generate
comp: mix port map (0, 0, "00000000000000000000000000000000",
"00000000000000000000000000000000", tavolaS, l, iuso(1), juso(1),
Auso(1), Buso(1), suso(1), luso(1));
end generate primo;
altro: if cont > (0) generate
comp: mix port map (iuso(cont), juso(cont), Auso(cont), Buso(cont),
suso(cont), luso(cont), iuso(cont+1), juso(cont+1), auso(cont+1),
buso(cont+1), suso(cont+1), luso(cont+1));
end generate altro;
end generate g1;
tavolaSmischiata <= suso(f);
end Fill;
Should be pretty self-explanatory ("word" is a standard logic vector,
"table" and "wordkey" are word arrays). If I go and simulate this in
modelsim, I will get... well, loads of cr*p. Integers will get values
like -2121893, and pretty much anything else will be U. However if I
modify the generate block to instantiate a single component (*not*
necessarily the first one) it all works like a charm. I don't really
think the problem is anywhere else since when this problem is not
occurring everything else works fine.
Is this caused by a bad conditional generate? Is it a port map problem?
Did I do something wrong with the helper arrays? Should I quit this and
begin teaching basketball to shrimps?
Any help will be more than appreciated.
Thanks in advance,
bye, A.