Has anyone ever seen a force on a net working it's way both up and down
the design hierarchy.
For example, consider the following module located somewhere in a
design hierarchy:
module temp(VSS);
input VSS;
supply0 VSS;
mod_temp2 temp2(.signal({VSS, VSS, VSS, VSS}))
When I do a force on the net called signal in the temp2 instance to
4'b0101, instead of seeing that in the temp2 instance and below, VSS
turns to an X and signal turns to 4'bXXXX.
My suspicion is that the force on signal is working it's way up the
design hierarchy so the simulator tries to apply both a 0 and a 1 to
VSS resulting in an X. This then causes signal to be 4'bXXXX for some
I can't seem to reproduce this condition when I try to make a simple
testcase. This only seems to be a problem with the specific netlist
that I am working with.
Any ideas? Has anyone ever seen this before?
the design hierarchy.
For example, consider the following module located somewhere in a
design hierarchy:
module temp(VSS);
input VSS;
supply0 VSS;
mod_temp2 temp2(.signal({VSS, VSS, VSS, VSS}))
When I do a force on the net called signal in the temp2 instance to
4'b0101, instead of seeing that in the temp2 instance and below, VSS
turns to an X and signal turns to 4'bXXXX.
My suspicion is that the force on signal is working it's way up the
design hierarchy so the simulator tries to apply both a 0 and a 1 to
VSS resulting in an X. This then causes signal to be 4'bXXXX for some
I can't seem to reproduce this condition when I try to make a simple
testcase. This only seems to be a problem with the specific netlist
that I am working with.
Any ideas? Has anyone ever seen this before?