Hi newsgroup people,
maybe someone can help me with regard to the following problem:
I am using an Altera Cyclone Device EP1C12F256C7.
When I program it via JTAG (I am not able to program it via Serial Configuration
Device yet) the PLL I instantiated in the MegaWizard does run if the PLL
does not have a reset input.
I have programmed a little design, some counters which are resetted.
It doesn't matter whether the counters are resetted or not I cannot see
anything going on at the debug pins of my FPGA.
So the question is what goes wrong.
I mean if it was a basic problem the PLL would not run.
If it was exclusevely an reset problem the counters WITHOUT reset would run
but they do not!
I have a watchdog which produces an asynchronous reset but then it does
not get the trigger signal out of the FPGA so that the watchdog resets
periodically. The trigger signal I generate in the FPGA is depedent on
the counters which are NOT resettet.
Here is some piece of my trigger generation:
signal l_count : integer range 0 to 15;
signal l_trigger_watchdog : std_logic;
Trigger_watchdog <= l_trigger_watchdog;
--if Reset='1' then
-- l_count <= 0;
if rising_edge(Clk_30) then
l_count <= l_count;
if l_count=15 then
l_count <= 0;
l_count <= l_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
--if Reset='1' then
-- l_trigger_watchdog <= '0';
if rising_edge(Clk_30) then
l_trigger_watchdog <= l_trigger_watchdog;
if l_count=0 then
l_trigger_watchdog <= not l_trigger_watchdog;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Maybe someone has experienced such similar problems.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards
André V.
maybe someone can help me with regard to the following problem:
I am using an Altera Cyclone Device EP1C12F256C7.
When I program it via JTAG (I am not able to program it via Serial Configuration
Device yet) the PLL I instantiated in the MegaWizard does run if the PLL
does not have a reset input.
I have programmed a little design, some counters which are resetted.
It doesn't matter whether the counters are resetted or not I cannot see
anything going on at the debug pins of my FPGA.
So the question is what goes wrong.
I mean if it was a basic problem the PLL would not run.
If it was exclusevely an reset problem the counters WITHOUT reset would run
but they do not!
I have a watchdog which produces an asynchronous reset but then it does
not get the trigger signal out of the FPGA so that the watchdog resets
periodically. The trigger signal I generate in the FPGA is depedent on
the counters which are NOT resettet.
Here is some piece of my trigger generation:
signal l_count : integer range 0 to 15;
signal l_trigger_watchdog : std_logic;
Trigger_watchdog <= l_trigger_watchdog;
--if Reset='1' then
-- l_count <= 0;
if rising_edge(Clk_30) then
l_count <= l_count;
if l_count=15 then
l_count <= 0;
l_count <= l_count + 1;
end if;
end if;
end process;
--if Reset='1' then
-- l_trigger_watchdog <= '0';
if rising_edge(Clk_30) then
l_trigger_watchdog <= l_trigger_watchdog;
if l_count=0 then
l_trigger_watchdog <= not l_trigger_watchdog;
end if;
end if;
end process;
Maybe someone has experienced such similar problems.
Thank you for your help.
Kind regards
André V.