Eric Gobbo
Our office has upgraded various computers to XP which has resulted in
some probelms with MTEXT and the OPEN drawings dialouge box.
When MTEXT is edited the text displyed in the editor is faded and
fuzzy. When the OPEN DRAWING command is envoked the drawings list in
the dialouge box keeps defaulting to icons as oppoed to a text list. I
heard you must modify the windows registery to corect this, but have
been unsucessful so far.
Has anyone experienced this problems when switching to XP? Your help
is greatly appreciated.
some probelms with MTEXT and the OPEN drawings dialouge box.
When MTEXT is edited the text displyed in the editor is faded and
fuzzy. When the OPEN DRAWING command is envoked the drawings list in
the dialouge box keeps defaulting to icons as oppoed to a text list. I
heard you must modify the windows registery to corect this, but have
been unsucessful so far.
Has anyone experienced this problems when switching to XP? Your help
is greatly appreciated.