Silvia Janssen
I've connected an industrial PC to an LT1085 voltage regulator which
converts a transformer output of 27V to the 24V that is needed for the PC.
It all works fine, except when I shut down the PC with its own
In that case the output voltage of the LT1085 drops down to about 3 Volt and
can only be recovered by switching the transformer that forms the input of
the LT1085 off and on again.
The LT1085-application notes state that this is caused by the safe area
protection of the LT1085, but I would like to know whether there is a way to
prevent this from happening.
Would I need a regulator that can handle larger currents? Or is there
another solution?
Switching of the transformer causes my whole installation to switch off,
while I only want to switch off the PC to recover from crashes etc.
Thanks for any advice,
I've connected an industrial PC to an LT1085 voltage regulator which
converts a transformer output of 27V to the 24V that is needed for the PC.
It all works fine, except when I shut down the PC with its own
In that case the output voltage of the LT1085 drops down to about 3 Volt and
can only be recovered by switching the transformer that forms the input of
the LT1085 off and on again.
The LT1085-application notes state that this is caused by the safe area
protection of the LT1085, but I would like to know whether there is a way to
prevent this from happening.
Would I need a regulator that can handle larger currents? Or is there
another solution?
Switching of the transformer causes my whole installation to switch off,
while I only want to switch off the PC to recover from crashes etc.
Thanks for any advice,