Problem with 1976 RCA ColorTrak XL-100


Jason L.

Wanting an older TV just to play video games on, I bought a 19" RCA
ColorTrak XL-100 TV set, manufactured May 1976, model number "FA 488
TR". I tested it before I bought it, and it picked up air signals
just fine.

However, there's a problem: When I try to connect my consoles, the
picture won't appear -- there's just gray static. I connected my Sega
Master System to the TV in the normal fashion (there's a coax input),
and turned it on. The sounds I expected to hear were crystal-clear,
but the picture is messed up. (I could, however, make out some of the
graphics I expected to see.)

I'm not sure if the tuner is the issue, or what... I cannot tune to
channel 3 or 4, because the electromechanical tuner always goes right
past them. (After the dial passes 25, it skips 2, 3, and 4, and stops
on channel 5.) What could I do about this problem?
Subject: Problem with 1976 RCA ColorTrak XL-100
From: (Jason L.)
Date: 5/4/04 1:52 AM
Message-id: <

Wanting an older TV just to play video games on, I bought a 19" RCA
ColorTrak XL-100 TV set, manufactured May 1976, model number "FA 488
TR". I tested it before I bought it, and it picked up air signals
just fine.

However, there's a problem: When I try to connect my consoles, the
picture won't appear -- there's just gray static. I connected my Sega
Master System to the TV in the normal fashion (there's a coax input),
and turned it on. The sounds I expected to hear were crystal-clear,
but the picture is messed up. (I could, however, make out some of the
graphics I expected to see.)

I'm not sure if the tuner is the issue, or what... I cannot tune to
channel 3 or 4, because the electromechanical tuner always goes right
past them. (After the dial passes 25, it skips 2, 3, and 4, and stops
on channel 5.) What could I do about this problem?
If it's a keyboard tuner, the "select\lock" switch is probably broken. Without
it, you can't memorize channels. If you enter the channel directly, you'll get
the picture and no sound.

If it's a "single knob electronic" type, you have to remove the front cover
(rotate the RCA logo) and adjust the individual channel fine tuners with a
small screwdriver.

John Del
Wolcott, CT

"I'm just trying to get into heaven, I'm not running for Jesus!"
Homer Simpson

(remove S for email reply)
I didn't even know there was another door that could be popped off,
until now. :-D Luckily, it's a single knob electronic tuner, so I
just manually rotated the dial to 3 -- no harm done there, I don't
believe. [I guess I keep forgetting that electronics used to be built
to last. ;-)] Fine-tuning it was a breeze. I'm finally seeing what
I'm supposed to see along with the sound, but the picture seems to be
really muddy. It's not really a big nuisance, but what could I do to
improve clarity?

Thanks for your help,
Jason L.

If it's a keyboard tuner, the "select\lock" switch is probably broken. Without
it, you can't memorize channels. If you enter the channel directly, you'll get
the picture and no sound.

If it's a "single knob electronic" type, you have to remove the front cover
(rotate the RCA logo) and adjust the individual channel fine tuners with a
small screwdriver.

John Del
Wolcott, CT
Subject: Re: Problem with 1976 RCA ColorTrak XL-100
From: (Jason L.)
Date: 5/4/04 6:54 PM
Fine-tuning it was a breeze. I'm finally seeing what
I'm supposed to see along with the sound, but the picture seems to be
really muddy. It's not really a big nuisance, but what could I do to
improve clarity?
The focus control is the easiest for a layperson to adjust. It's on the back,
and does what it says. The rest of the adjustments are not intuitive, and
could result in a worse picture than you have now. It wouldn't be unlikely
that the picture tube is weak. If it hasn't been used in years, it will
brighten up eventually.

Also, if that is a CTC 74 or 81, the drive controls on the kine module are
known to open. Spraying lightly with a contact cleaner will restore the
operation, and pick up the picture considerably.

John Del
Wolcott, CT

"I'm just trying to get into heaven, I'm not running for Jesus!"
Homer Simpson

(remove S for email reply)
I sincerely hope it's not a CTC74 or 81. If it's one of those then *good luck*
you're going to need it, not one of the fonder memories in this wonderful
It would help if the original post would include the chassis number. It sounds
more like a newer chassis by the symptom.

Also, if that is a CTC 74 or 81, the drive controls on the kine module are
known to open. Spraying lightly with a contact cleaner will restore the
operation, and pick up the picture considerably.

John Del
Wolcott, CT
The only one of these I ever Repaired had a similar problem and it was in
fact the Tuner. I sent in the bad one to PTS as a core, and they had a
rebuilt one in stock for like $50

I think you would go by the Numbers on thewhite Sticker on your Tuner to see
if they have any. Its possible they would still have it.

"Jason L." <> wrote in message
| Wanting an older TV just to play video games on, I bought a 19" RCA
| ColorTrak XL-100 TV set, manufactured May 1976, model number "FA 488
| TR". I tested it before I bought it, and it picked up air signals
| just fine.
| However, there's a problem: When I try to connect my consoles, the
| picture won't appear -- there's just gray static. I connected my Sega
| Master System to the TV in the normal fashion (there's a coax input),
| and turned it on. The sounds I expected to hear were crystal-clear,
| but the picture is messed up. (I could, however, make out some of the
| graphics I expected to see.)
| I'm not sure if the tuner is the issue, or what... I cannot tune to
| channel 3 or 4, because the electromechanical tuner always goes right
| past them. (After the dial passes 25, it skips 2, 3, and 4, and stops
| on channel 5.) What could I do about this problem?

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