(I apologize in advance if this question is juvenile, but after days
of Googling I still have not been able to come up with an answer...)
I'm using spectre in Cadence version 6.1 and trying to use a stimulus
file to input about 500 values - 0 or 1. To be more specific, groups
of these bits represent digital values that change over time.
It seems like there are several options for inputing stimuli:
1. Use input pins in the schematic and Setup -> Stimuli (in ADE L)
This seems like a bad solution because I am trying to alter a large
number of inputs. I would like to automatically generate a file that I
can use as input to spectre.
2. Use Setup -> Simulation Files -> Stimulus File (in ADE L)
Would this use pwlf sources in the schematic?
So the 'Stimulus File' field contains a full path to the file and each
pwlf source also contains the file name in the properties field 'PWL
file name'?
Currently I'm getting the following error:
*Error* Could not map schematic names in the stimulus file /home/
Analog/pwlFile to target simulator
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
(I apologize in advance if this question is juvenile, but after days
of Googling I still have not been able to come up with an answer...)
I'm using spectre in Cadence version 6.1 and trying to use a stimulus
file to input about 500 values - 0 or 1. To be more specific, groups
of these bits represent digital values that change over time.
It seems like there are several options for inputing stimuli:
1. Use input pins in the schematic and Setup -> Stimuli (in ADE L)
This seems like a bad solution because I am trying to alter a large
number of inputs. I would like to automatically generate a file that I
can use as input to spectre.
2. Use Setup -> Simulation Files -> Stimulus File (in ADE L)
Would this use pwlf sources in the schematic?
So the 'Stimulus File' field contains a full path to the file and each
pwlf source also contains the file name in the properties field 'PWL
file name'?
Currently I'm getting the following error:
*Error* Could not map schematic names in the stimulus file /home/
Analog/pwlFile to target simulator
Any help would be greatly appreciated!