Problem using JBits 2.8 with (esl) RC1000-PP

  • Thread starter Barth?l?my von Haller
  • Start date

Barth?l?my von Haller

*** french version below ***

Hello all,

When I use the loadfpga function to load a .bit (for example a null
bitstream gived by xilinx) to the board there is no problem. But with
the same .bit file using XHWIFDemo, XHWIF or BoardScope I get the
following error :

"Error Configuring the Bitstream. Exiting"
or with XHWIF :
"Downloading bitstream to device 0 (one packet at a time).
Could not download bitstream packet 0 to device 0. Exiting. (-4097)"

The error 4097 from RC1000pp api correspond to INTERNAL_ERROR : error
while talking to driver.

I don't have the source code from the rc1000pp.dll, so I can't know
more about the error.
The connection with the board and the resetting are ok (I don't get
any error).

Some more information:
os : Windows NT
pentium II 500
128 Mo RAM

So if anybody can help me I will be very very grateful to him,


Barthélémy von Haller
student at the EPFL (Switzerland)

*** french version ***

Bonjour tout le monde,

Quand j'utilise la fonction loadfpga pour loader un .bit (par exemple
un bitstream vide fourni par xilinx) sur la carte il n'y a aucun
problem. Mais quand j'utilise XHWIFDemo, XHWIF ou Boardscope avec le
męme bitstream je reçois l'erreur suivante :

"Error Configuring the Bitstream. Exiting"
or with XHWIF :
"Downloading bitstream to device 0 (one packet at a time).
Could not download bitstream packet 0 to device 0. Exiting. (-4097)"

L'erreur 4097 de l'api rc1000pp correspond ŕ l'INTERNAL_ERROR :error
while talking to driver.

Je n'ai pas le code source de la librairie dynamique rc1000pp.dll,
donc je ne peux pas en savoir plus sur l'erreur et ce qui la provoque.
La connection avec la carte et le reset marche correctement (en tout
cas je ne reçois pas d'erreur).

Some more information:
os : Windows NT
pentium II 500
128 Mo RAM

Donc si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider je lui serais éternellement
reconnaissant, je commence ŕ désespérer !


Barthélémy von Haller

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