Problem of generics with SDF simulation of VHDL design with



Hi All,
We have a simple sequential VHDL counter design. We converted it into
structural VHDL using Design Compiler and also wrote out its SDF file.
Now to perform post synthesis simulation with the SDF file, we are
using Scirocco simulator with following command line:
../scsim -sdf /tb_counter/UUT/:counter.sdf

Since this is a school project we are just using the freely availabe
OSU standard cell library for synthesis and simulation. There are a
couple of errors that we are just not being able to solve:

(SDF File: counter4.sdf Line: 68) generic
is not declared
Error: simulation scsimElab vhdl-252
(SDF File: counter4.sdf Line: 69) generic
is not declared

I do not understand where these generics need to be declared. The OSU
standard cell VHDL file has these generics, then why are they not being
incorporated in the synthesized design during compilation? Is there
some step that we are missing over here.

Any comments or help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot,

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