Problem in loading SKILL file! Processes???


Reotaro Hashemoto


I've created a simple file that contains set of commands calling
functions, this file looks like:

myCreateNetlist(libName cell1 list(par11 val11 par21 val21 par31
myCreateNetlist(libName cell2 list(par12 val12 par22 val22 par32
myCreateNetlist(libName cell3 list(par13 val13 par23 val23 par33

The function myCreateNetlist() is based on calling Calibre netlisting

This function uses si somehow to create the netlist through
ipcBeginProcess (i cant see in the file any usage of ipcWait...)

This is part of the skill_query file in Calibre: ($CALIBRE_HOME/shared/

procedure( _mgc_rve_create_cdl_netlist(libName cellName viewName
fileName "tttt")
prog( (si_cmd)
mgc_rve_set_cdlout_keys(libName cellName viewName
when( mgc_rve_globals->show_cdl_dlg && !
) ; when
printf("\n*** Calibre Interactive: Exporting netlist
for cell %s ***\n" cellName)
g_mgcExportCdlConnectFile = fileName
when( mgc_rve_create_sienv_file()
si_cmd = mgc_rve_export_netlist_cmd(libName
cellName viewName fileName)
ipcBeginProcess(si_cmd "" 'mgc_rve_cdl_handler
'mgc_rve_cdl_handler 'mgc_rve_cdl_postFunc)
) ; when
) ; prog
) ; _mgc_rve_create_cdl_netlist

What happens is:
when I load the file of commands, it stops after processing first
line, although if i executed line by line in CIW it works!!!

Should I somehow wait for each command to be executed?

I've tried to use ipcSkillProcess() together with ipcWaitForProcess()
but reached nothing...

Any suggestions?

Dear Ahmad,

The _mgc_rve_create_cdl_netlist() function is running ipc in a
synchroneoes mode, communicating using the data and exit handlers. So
there is no need to ipcWait in this instance.
I'm busy these to create something to run on your example, but if you
post a simple version of your myCreateNetlist() that I could run as it
is then I could help more. Sorry, I'm usually more helpful but hardly
finding any spare time now ... Besides, the Calibre command has got a
postFunc. Well i don't see any reason for it to stop your process but
it's good to know what it is doing anyway.

Looking forward for your details.

Salamu alaykom Riad,

Thanks a lot for your reply. An exact example to re-produce my
situation is to create a file (let's call: "") and load
in CIW, the file can simply contain:

;=============== Start here =====================libName="anyExistingLib" ;; Please replace with any existing lib
cellName="anySchematicCellInThisLib" ;; Put the name of any cell name

_mgc_rve_create_netlist(libName cellName "schematic" strcat(libName
cellName "_1.spi"))
_mgc_rve_create_netlist(libName cellName "schematic" strcat(libName
cellName "_2.spi"))
_mgc_rve_create_netlist(libName cellName "schematic" strcat(libName
cellName "_3.spi"))
_mgc_rve_create_netlist(libName cellName "schematic" strcat(libName
cellName "_4.spi"))
_mgc_rve_create_netlist(libName cellName "schematic" strcat(libName
cellName "_5.spi"))
_mgc_rve_create_netlist(libName cellName "schematic" strcat(libName
cellName "_6.spi"))
_mgc_rve_create_netlist(libName cellName "schematic" strcat(libName
cellName "_7.spi"))

;==================== End here ========================
When u load this file in CIW, you'll notice that it creates the last
netlist only, although if u tried to copy and paste commands directly
one by one in CIW (rather than loading the file) it works! Seems like
it's somehow overloaded..

Does that make sense? Do u have an idea to solve?

Thanks and best regards,
On Jun 26, 1:11 am, Riad KACED <> wrote:
Dear Ahmad,

The _mgc_rve_create_cdl_netlist() function is running ipc in a
synchroneoes mode, communicating using the data and exit handlers. So
there is no need to ipcWait in this instance.
I'm busy these to create something to run on your example, but if you
post a simple version of your myCreateNetlist() that I could run as it
is then I could help more. Sorry, I'm usually more helpful but hardly
finding any spare time now ... Besides, the Calibre command has got a
postFunc. Well i don't see any reason for it to stop your process but
it's good to know what it is doing anyway.

Looking forward for your details.

Hi Ahmad,

This does not work because the underlying program, i.e. "si" is
running the job in the same area. Your jobs are eventually overriding
each other, look at the CDS.log to see that thinks are getting
In your case, you need to write your own skill code that invoke 'si'
in a synchronous mode, i.e run the first export, wait up until it
finishes, run the 2nd and so on .... Multiple invoke of that Calibre
command on the same lib/cell/view is not the right way in your case.

Salam Ahmad,

Pretty easy, just look at the Cadence's Design Data Translator’s
Reference Manual, $CDSHOME/doc/transref/transref.pdf or use cdsdoc/
Look at section: Running CDL Out from the Command Line. This says:
1. Prepare the si.env file.
Among other information, the si.env file carries the name of the
design to be netlisted. For more information, see the section
Preparing an si.env File on page 223.
2. Type the following at the command line:
si -batch -command netlist

I let you read the remaining of it.

So if we go back to your calibre function example, then one could make
use of function _mgc_rve_create_cdl_netlist since it does create the
si.env file upon the skil global variable cdlOutKeys. It does also set
the batch command for you. All you need is to replace the asynchronous
ipc call by a synchronous one, i.e run a first export, wait, run a
second etc ...

This is a bit of code I have made for you (minimum update of the
_mgc_rve_create_cdl_netlist function). Give it a look and update it at
your convenience ! try it using the code you have posted earlier,
changing _mgc_rve_create_netlist call by AhmadcreateCdlNetlist.
A bit of doc reading, curiosity and reverse-engineering and ... Bob's
your uncle :)

Riad !

procedure( AhmadcreateCdlNetlist(libName cellName viewName fileName
prog( (pid si_cmd)
mgc_rve_set_cdlout_keys(libName cellName viewName fileName)
when( mgc_rve_globals->show_cdl_dlg && !mgc_rve_export_cdl_dlg(t)
) ; when
printf("\n*** Exporting netlist for cell %s ***\n" cellName)
g_mgcExportCdlConnectFile = fileName
when( mgc_rve_create_sienv_file()
si_cmd = mgc_rve_export_get_cdl_cmd(libName cellName viewName
printf("%L" ipcReadProcess(pid))
) ; when
) ; prog
) ; AhmadcreateCdlNetlist
Thanks a lot Riad for the help...

I was out of the office for a while so I couldn't test it.

Unfortunately, using your code with ipcWait() didn't solve the

I still get the same error message:
"si: Simulation is already running in run directory "blablabla".\n"

Using a delay (through long for loop for around 20 seconds solved it,
but i don't think this is the best solution :-(

Thanks for any additional hints..


On Jun 30, 3:20 pm, Riad KACED <> wrote:
Salam Ahmad,

Pretty easy, just look at the Cadence's Design Data Translator’s
Reference Manual, $CDSHOME/doc/transref/transref.pdf or use cdsdoc/
Look at section: Running CDL Out from the Command Line. This says:
1. Prepare the si.env file.
  Among other information, the si.env file carries the name of the
design to be netlisted. For more information, see the section
Preparing an si.env File on page 223.
2. Type the following at the command line:
  si -batch -command netlist

I let you read the remaining of it.

So if we go back to your calibre function example, then one could make
use of function _mgc_rve_create_cdl_netlist since it does create the
si.env file upon the skil global variable cdlOutKeys. It does also set
the batch command for you. All you need is to replace the asynchronous
ipc call by a synchronous one, i.e run a first export, wait, run a
second etc ...

This is a bit of code I have made for you (minimum update of the
_mgc_rve_create_cdl_netlist function). Give it a look and update it at
your convenience ! try it using the code you have posted earlier,
changing _mgc_rve_create_netlist call by AhmadcreateCdlNetlist.
A bit of doc reading, curiosity and reverse-engineering and ... Bob's
your uncle :)

Riad !

procedure( AhmadcreateCdlNetlist(libName cellName viewName fileName
  prog( (pid si_cmd)
    mgc_rve_set_cdlout_keys(libName cellName viewName fileName)
    when( mgc_rve_globals->show_cdl_dlg && !mgc_rve_export_cdl_dlg(t)
    ) ; when
    printf("\n*** Exporting netlist for cell %s ***\n" cellName)
    g_mgcExportCdlConnectFile = fileName
    when( mgc_rve_create_sienv_file()
      si_cmd = mgc_rve_export_get_cdl_cmd(libName cellName viewName
      printf("%L" ipcReadProcess(pid))
    ) ; when
  ) ; prog
) ; AhmadcreateCdlNetlist
Hi Amhad,

There is no reason for the code I have provided not to work. I'm
pretty much sure you have got something else odd in your whole
program. Are you sure you have re-loaded your script with the right
functions to be called ?
The ipcWait() causes the parent process to suspend until the child
Anyway, it's better getting in touch with your Cadence AE in this

Hello Riad,

Thanks a lot for your time to test and reply.

So, how should I write the SKILL code of 'si' invocation?

Best regards,

On Jun 29, 4:09 pm, Riad KACED <> wrote:
Hi Ahmad,

This does not work because the underlying program, i.e. "si" is
running the job in the same area. Your jobs are eventually overriding
each other, look at the CDS.log to see that thinks are getting
In your case, you need to write your own skill code that invoke 'si'
in a synchronous mode, i.e run the first export, wait up until it
finishes, run the 2nd and so on .... Multiple invoke of that  Calibre
command on the same lib/cell/view is not the right way in your case.


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