Hello all,
While synthesysing the verilog module to generate clock of 12.5MHz
from the default clock of XSA100 i.e 50MHz in ISE WebPack for
XC2S100-TQ144 Spartan-II FPGA, I am getting an error. I have two
inputs clock and reset and one output out.
Here I go step by step:
i) Synthesis verilog code
No error but the following warnings:
* HDL Synthesis
Synthesizing Unit <fulladd28>.
Related source file is ddfs.v.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<26>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<25>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<24>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<23>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<22>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<21>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<20>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<19>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<18>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<17>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<16>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<15>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<14>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<13>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<12>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<11>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<10>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<9>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<8>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<7>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<6>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<5>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<4>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<3>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<2>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<1>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<0>> is assigned but never used.
INFO:Xst:1304 - Contents of register <sum<27>> in unit <fulladd28>
never changes during circuit operation. The register is replaced by
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <reset> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <clock> is never used.
Unit <fulladd28> synthesized.
ii) Implement design
works fine. But I am only seeing the signal out and not the clock and
reset in the Pad Reports.
iii) Constraining the Fit:
Create new Source (by right clicking on the verilog code
file)Implementation constraints file..
iv) Open Xilinx Pace by clicking "Assign package pin". It gives a
"Top Level Block has pins that are not connected to any signals. Do
you want them to treat them as user I/O?"
I click "Yes"
v) Then I assign the pins P93 to reset, P88 to clock, P67 to out. And
save it.
vi) Now when I click "Pad Report" to view the pin Assignment it gives
me the following error;
Annotating constraints to design from file "ddfs.ucf" ...
ERROR:NgdBuild:755 - Line 2 in 'ddfs.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'reset' in the
design. To suppress this error use the -aul switch, specify the
correct net
name or remove the constraint.
ERROR:NgdBuild:756 - Line 3 in 'ddfs.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'reset' in the
design. To suppress this error specify the correct net name or
remove the
ERROR:NgdBuild:755 - Line 6 in 'ddfs.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'clock' in the
design. To suppress this error use the -aul switch, specify the
correct net
name or remove the constraint.
ERROR:NgdBuild:756 - Line 7 in 'ddfs.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'clock' in the
design. To suppress this error specify the correct net name or
remove the
ERRORarsers:11 - Encountered unrecognized constraint while parsing.
ERROR:NgdBuild:19 - Errors found while parsing constraint file
Writing NGDBUILD log file "fulladd28.bld"...
Completed process "Translate".
here is the verilog code:
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module fulladd28(out,clock,reset);
parameter a=28'd67108864;
parameter w = 28; // bit width of phase accumulator
output out;
input clock, reset;
reg [w-1:0] sum;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
sum <= 0;
sum <= +a;
assign out = sum[w-1];
endmodule //end of module fulladd28
Can anyone please guide me why is the error and how to remove it?
Sorry for bothering such a massy e-mail.
Thanks and Regards
Research Associate
While synthesysing the verilog module to generate clock of 12.5MHz
from the default clock of XSA100 i.e 50MHz in ISE WebPack for
XC2S100-TQ144 Spartan-II FPGA, I am getting an error. I have two
inputs clock and reset and one output out.
Here I go step by step:
i) Synthesis verilog code
No error but the following warnings:
* HDL Synthesis
Synthesizing Unit <fulladd28>.
Related source file is ddfs.v.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<26>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<25>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<24>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<23>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<22>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<21>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<20>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<19>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<18>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<17>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<16>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<15>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<14>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<13>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<12>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<11>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<10>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<9>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<8>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<7>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<6>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<5>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<4>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<3>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<2>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<1>> is assigned but never used.
WARNING:Xst:646 - Signal <sum<0>> is assigned but never used.
INFO:Xst:1304 - Contents of register <sum<27>> in unit <fulladd28>
never changes during circuit operation. The register is replaced by
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <reset> is never used.
WARNING:Xst:647 - Input <clock> is never used.
Unit <fulladd28> synthesized.
ii) Implement design
works fine. But I am only seeing the signal out and not the clock and
reset in the Pad Reports.
iii) Constraining the Fit:
Create new Source (by right clicking on the verilog code
file)Implementation constraints file..
iv) Open Xilinx Pace by clicking "Assign package pin". It gives a
"Top Level Block has pins that are not connected to any signals. Do
you want them to treat them as user I/O?"
I click "Yes"
v) Then I assign the pins P93 to reset, P88 to clock, P67 to out. And
save it.
vi) Now when I click "Pad Report" to view the pin Assignment it gives
me the following error;
Annotating constraints to design from file "ddfs.ucf" ...
ERROR:NgdBuild:755 - Line 2 in 'ddfs.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'reset' in the
design. To suppress this error use the -aul switch, specify the
correct net
name or remove the constraint.
ERROR:NgdBuild:756 - Line 3 in 'ddfs.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'reset' in the
design. To suppress this error specify the correct net name or
remove the
ERROR:NgdBuild:755 - Line 6 in 'ddfs.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'clock' in the
design. To suppress this error use the -aul switch, specify the
correct net
name or remove the constraint.
ERROR:NgdBuild:756 - Line 7 in 'ddfs.ucf': Could not find net(s)
'clock' in the
design. To suppress this error specify the correct net name or
remove the
ERRORarsers:11 - Encountered unrecognized constraint while parsing.
ERROR:NgdBuild:19 - Errors found while parsing constraint file
Writing NGDBUILD log file "fulladd28.bld"...
Completed process "Translate".
here is the verilog code:
`timescale 1ns/1ps
module fulladd28(out,clock,reset);
parameter a=28'd67108864;
parameter w = 28; // bit width of phase accumulator
output out;
input clock, reset;
reg [w-1:0] sum;
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
sum <= 0;
sum <= +a;
assign out = sum[w-1];
endmodule //end of module fulladd28
Can anyone please guide me why is the error and how to remove it?
Sorry for bothering such a massy e-mail.
Thanks and Regards
Research Associate