Lewin A.R.W. Edwards
I recently acquired a Nicolet 3091 digital storage scope, vintage
circa 1982. The manual is amusing; for instance, it says that the
device has 16x12 of RAM, and a single screenful is 4096 12-bit words -
it is possible to dump out an entire screenful on the RS232 interface,
but "due to memory limitations of personal computers, you will
probably not want to acquire the entire image".
It's an audio-bandwidth scope (speced 300kHz BW, up to 1MS/s). I have
a much better digital scope, but this freebie has RS232 built in, and
it also has a couple of useful features like a "virtual pen-recorder"
mode. I want to use it for unattended analysis of battery chargers.
Anyway, I'm having trouble finding a probe that will match this scope
properly. Here's what the calibrator output looks like:
<http://www.larwe.com/dsc00461.jpg>. That's the best I can adjust it
to using the trimcap on the probes available to me (mostly x1/x10
switchable units of post-1998 vintage at oldest). If I just hook a
piece of wire to the cal output, the trace looks nice and square. So
it's a probe capacitance issue.
What characteristics should I look for in a probe for such an ancient
circa 1982. The manual is amusing; for instance, it says that the
device has 16x12 of RAM, and a single screenful is 4096 12-bit words -
it is possible to dump out an entire screenful on the RS232 interface,
but "due to memory limitations of personal computers, you will
probably not want to acquire the entire image".
It's an audio-bandwidth scope (speced 300kHz BW, up to 1MS/s). I have
a much better digital scope, but this freebie has RS232 built in, and
it also has a couple of useful features like a "virtual pen-recorder"
mode. I want to use it for unattended analysis of battery chargers.
Anyway, I'm having trouble finding a probe that will match this scope
properly. Here's what the calibrator output looks like:
<http://www.larwe.com/dsc00461.jpg>. That's the best I can adjust it
to using the trimcap on the probes available to me (mostly x1/x10
switchable units of post-1998 vintage at oldest). If I just hook a
piece of wire to the cal output, the trace looks nice and square. So
it's a probe capacitance issue.
What characteristics should I look for in a probe for such an ancient