Len Lekx
Recently, I laid out and etched a printed-circuit board for a
project I'm working on. When I got to drilling holes for the
components, however, some of the pads peeled off the laminate.
Which got me to wondering if it would be beneficial to drill small
pilot holes for the components *before* I etch the board, and widen
them after etching.
I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on the matter - do you
drill before you etch, or after? If after, how do you keep the traces
from de-laminating?
project I'm working on. When I got to drilling holes for the
components, however, some of the pads peeled off the laminate.
Which got me to wondering if it would be beneficial to drill small
pilot holes for the components *before* I etch the board, and widen
them after etching.
I'd be interested in hearing your opinions on the matter - do you
drill before you etch, or after? If after, how do you keep the traces
from de-laminating?