Prepaid telephone (no plans)


Terry Collins

Apologies if this isn't the "correct" group, but I'd rather have info
from techo's then general Joe Blow.

Is it possible to just buy a mobile telephone and then only pay for your
calls so there is no monthly charge involved?

Looking for a mobile telephone to have for emergencies and public phones
not working or there.

Ideally anonymous as possible (have already changed landline once
because of call centres)

Terry Collins wrote:
Apologies if this isn't the "correct" group, but I'd rather have info
from techo's then general Joe Blow.

Is it possible to just buy a mobile telephone and then only pay for your
calls so there is no monthly charge involved?
Yep, a few providers offer that now.
You can buy the Vodaphone "red sim" almost anywhere (BigW,
supermarkets, any phone shop etc)
Just top it up when it runs out of money, various options are available
for toping it up automatically. Mine tops up automatically with $20
when it drops below $5, and I have 365 days to use it.

I will never go back to a monthly plan.
Old phones like the Nokia 3310 5110 are practically being given away
for nix. Brand new phones go for well under $100.
The only thing to watch is some new phones are "locked" to one service
provider, so you can't just use any SIM card. Most phone shops will
unlock it for a fee. The ones that come bundled with a pre-paid card
are usually locked.

Dave :)
On 2006-01-21, Terry Collins <> wrote:
Apologies if this isn't the "correct" group, but I'd rather have info
from techo's then general Joe Blow.

Is it possible to just buy a mobile telephone and then only pay for your
calls so there is no monthly charge involved?
I don't think so, even prepaid plans have unused credit expire after some
period (eg 12 months) expect to spend atleast around $20-30 a year, but shop

On 2006-01-21, Terry Collins <> wrote:
Does this mean that the "sim" provides the telephone number?
yean, the Subscriber Identity Module is linked to your mobile telephone
account and thefore your telephone number.

I don't think so, even prepaid plans have unused credit expire after some
period (eg 12 months) expect to spend atleast around $20-30 a year, but
18c flagfall, 22c/30seconds calls.
Can use direct debit for payment, no need for credit card.
Never had an unwanted caller on mine.
And the sims never expire - used mine last month for the first time in a
year, might as well have just turned the phone on.
You won't recieve a bill if you don't use the phone in the billing period.

They used to give you $5.50 account credit per month for using direct debit
as payment and having bills sent as email. Don't know if that still works,
but my account balance is still $-11.82.

Works extremely well as an emergency phone - buy a cheap old Nokia for the
purpose, just remember to drain and recharge the battery occasionally
(especially if you leave it in your car glovebox).

Terry Collins wrote:
David L. Jones wrote:

Just top it up when it runs out of money, various options are available
for toping it up automatically. Mine tops up automatically with $20
when it drops below $5, and I have 365 days to use it.

So you have linked yours to a credit card?
Yes, but only for the sake of convienience. I'm pretty sure you don't
have to have a credit card or bank account, you can top it up with cash
at any one of those phone ATM like machines. Simply buy the card, pop
it in and it should work.
So you should be able to remain completely anonymous. Check the details
To get the 365day thing you have select that option with your first

Does this mean that the "sim" provides the telephone number?
The SIM comes with it's own new phone number, if that's what you mean.
You can get your existing number transfered or simply use the number
provided with the phone. In your case if you want to remain anonymous
you simply use the number that comes with the card. I think there is a
sticker on the Red SIM packet that lists the phone number, so you can
even flick through the packs and find a number you like.

Dave :)
Apologies if this isn't the "correct" group, but I'd rather have info
from techo's then general Joe Blow.
Just buy a prepaid and be done with it.

Is it possible to just buy a mobile telephone and then only pay for your
calls so there is no monthly charge involved?

Looking for a mobile telephone to have for emergencies and public phones
not working or there.

Ideally anonymous as possible (have already changed landline once
because of call centres)

David L. Jones wrote:

Just top it up when it runs out of money, various options are available
for toping it up automatically. Mine tops up automatically with $20
when it drops below $5, and I have 365 days to use it.
So you have linked yours to a credit card?

Does this mean that the "sim" provides the telephone number?

I will never go back to a monthly plan.
Old phones like the Nokia 3310 5110 are practically being given away
for nix. Brand new phones go for well under $100.
The only thing to watch is some new phones are "locked" to one service
provider, so you can't just use any SIM card. Most phone shops will
unlock it for a fee. The ones that come bundled with a pre-paid card
are usually locked.
Thanks for all that.
Try Optus' ISIM. It works for me on my wife's old phone, and is cheap. Auto
refills when it drops below $1 if that's what you want, no monthly fees.
Only available via WWW.
Charges by the second so no per 30s or per min rip offs. ( I'm a tight
A....) You need to give them your credit card details. I think the minimum
purchase is $10 and you have 6 months to use it( from memory)

From their site.
a.. Call rates of 39c/min, billed per second
b.. No flag fall on national calls
c.. 15c SMS (per message sent of 160 characters)
d.. 19c/voicemail retrieval


"Terry Collins" <> wrote in message
Apologies if this isn't the "correct" group, but I'd rather have info
from techo's then general Joe Blow.

Is it possible to just buy a mobile telephone and then only pay for your
calls so there is no monthly charge involved?

Looking for a mobile telephone to have for emergencies and public phones
not working or there.

Ideally anonymous as possible (have already changed landline once
because of call centres)


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