Bob Milutinovic
"Damian" <damian_andrews75@yahoo.com.au> wrote in message
CarSets appears to be an aggregator like DealExtreme and BangGood. The
interesting point is that the (UK) domain is registered to someone in the
UK, but his surname's Kim (the "Smith" of the Korean-speaking world), which
would explain the "Engrish" used on the info pages.
The domain was registered in November 2011 so it's been around for long
enough to have established itself (assuming the site was built immediately),
but strangely I haven't been able to find any references to it on review
sites. Somewhat alarmingly, almost all back-links to the site are on scam
blogs (the type created merely to bump search engine rankings). This though
may be the result of misguidedness rather than malice.
There's an easy enough way to find out of course; place an order for a
low-value item and see how the transaction goes (that's how I tested
AliExpress, DealExtreme and BangGood initially). Of course there's no
guarantee that one transaction will go as well as the next, but it should
give you a feel for the service level of the site.
Bob Milutinovic
"Gary R. Schmidt" <grschmidt@acm.org> wrote in message
On 4/02/2015 2:16 PM, Damian wrote:
I've come across these two online stores based in mainland China.
I've used aliexpress, and their parent alibaba, for some years, buying
electronic bits and pieces and car parts, and have had no problems with
them, but it is definitely caveat emptor, make sure that what you /think/
you are buying is what is being sold! Example: the use of the word
"chrome" does not necessarily mean the part is chromed steel.
I've also used Taobao via taobaofocus to get stuff from China, very
cheap, but again, you have to be sure of what you are ordering, very
heavy on Chinglish!
NFI about carsets.
Thanks. carsets.co.uk appears to be somewhat dodgy.
They say, if it sounds too good to be true, it usually ain't.
That may be the case with them.
CarSets appears to be an aggregator like DealExtreme and BangGood. The
interesting point is that the (UK) domain is registered to someone in the
UK, but his surname's Kim (the "Smith" of the Korean-speaking world), which
would explain the "Engrish" used on the info pages.
The domain was registered in November 2011 so it's been around for long
enough to have established itself (assuming the site was built immediately),
but strangely I haven't been able to find any references to it on review
sites. Somewhat alarmingly, almost all back-links to the site are on scam
blogs (the type created merely to bump search engine rankings). This though
may be the result of misguidedness rather than malice.
There's an easy enough way to find out of course; place an order for a
low-value item and see how the transaction goes (that's how I tested
AliExpress, DealExtreme and BangGood initially). Of course there's no
guarantee that one transaction will go as well as the next, but it should
give you a feel for the service level of the site.
Bob Milutinovic