On 28/06/2014 10:21 AM, Phil Allison wrote:
China now mandates the Aussie 3-pin plug?
I thought it was only the Kiwis and some other South Pacific islands!
Or do you mean the Chinese have multiple standards?
"Sylvia Else"
Phil Allison wrote:
Just reading about the sad case of the NSW woman electrocuted with a USB
charger that did not meet Australian safety standards.
** The cause of death has not been determined - from the very sketchy
details, it seems possible it was due to faulty USB charger being used
a mobile phone. The woman's laptop may have provided the earth path.
IME, adaptors and chargers sent direct from China are not inherently
unsafe - they merely lack agency approval certification for Australia (
normally done in China anyhow) while carrying the relevant certification
other countries.
This makes them illegal to supply here as certification and labelling of
such items is compulsory under legislation in each state. However, agency
certification only involves checking a few sample units and does NOT
guarantee any particular item sold is without safety flaw nor will never
develop one.
They're supposed to be resist to tracking, and broken wire connections
shouldn't be capable of making the low voltage side live.
** Ones that are *genuinely* approved for sale in Europe, the USA etc meet
all those requirements - but will usually have a non Australian AC plug.
The fake Apple brand USB adaptors shown in Dave Jones video are not agency
approved for sale anywhere - so whoever imports one of them becomes
pesonally liable for any harm that occurs.
The big trap for Australians is that China has adopted our AC plug - so
every piece of crap made for the home market
in China can be used here too.
.... Phil
China now mandates the Aussie 3-pin plug?
I thought it was only the Kiwis and some other South Pacific islands!
Or do you mean the Chinese have multiple standards?