I was given a DC to DC converter a couple of years ago and finnaly got
around to trying to do something with it.When I traced out the circuit I
found that the devices driving the transformer were BIG SCRs. I had never
seen this before. I am familiaar with transistors FETS IGBTs but not with
SCRs used in this way. It kind of puzzles me as to how it would work as I i
dont readily see a way the SCRs can be turned off once they are turned on.
My best guess is that a COUNTER EMF pulse generated when one SCR is
triggered on turns the the other off my momentarily reducing its cathode to
anode current to zero/near zero.
around to trying to do something with it.When I traced out the circuit I
found that the devices driving the transformer were BIG SCRs. I had never
seen this before. I am familiaar with transistors FETS IGBTs but not with
SCRs used in this way. It kind of puzzles me as to how it would work as I i
dont readily see a way the SCRs can be turned off once they are turned on.
My best guess is that a COUNTER EMF pulse generated when one SCR is
triggered on turns the the other off my momentarily reducing its cathode to
anode current to zero/near zero.