Power Noise Filter question




do anyone knows how does the Power Noisy Filter work?
And where can find such of information for my research?

Thank You
Thank you again , John !!

"John Popelish" <jpopelish@rica.net> ???????:41F64DEA.90FCCC10@rica.net...
VXXV wrote:

Thanks your reply !

Why do I have such idea, because my friend (he interested in playing
and tell me that there has a device for plug to home mains supply, It
like a
black box terminal) When use it , the sound become obviously quite.

So, I am looking for detail for DIY such device and try in my Hi-Fi
Did your post information is same theorey?

Thank You

Probably not. The noise filters I describe are intended to reduce
radio frequency interference between nearby circuits operating from
the same supply line. (For example, your computer can produce visible
interference on a nearby television screen) Unless your friend is
thinking about the sound from a radio receiver, I doubt that there is
any noticeable audio effect in using such filters. There amy be cases
of very poorly designed amplifiers having line frequency hum, but
these filters will probably not cure that.

John Popelish
VXXV wrote:

do anyone knows how does the Power Noisy Filter work?
And where can find such of information for my research?

Thank You
Line noise filters place an impedance mismatch between the line and
the device, so that noise tends to reflect off it rather than pass

A good source of typical design info is in the datasheets for actual
prepackaged filters. Simulating those designs in Spice will
demonstrate what is going on inside those designs. If the data sheets
do not have values, you may have to take a few filters apart and
measure the component values. The inductors shown with a circular two
ended arrow inside are transformers with two tightly coupled
windings. These can have high inductance (no gaps in the core) for
common mode noise currents (going the same way in each line) because
the differential currents (the normal current that comes in one line
goes through the load and goes back out the other line) produce
canceling magnetic fields that do not magnetize the core. These, of
course present little impedance in the way of normal load current

for example:
John Popelish
Thanks your reply !

Why do I have such idea, because my friend (he interested in playing Hi-Fi)
and tell me that there has a device for plug to home mains supply, It like a
black box terminal) When use it , the sound become obviously quite.

So, I am looking for detail for DIY such device and try in my Hi-Fi
Did your post information is same theorey?

Thank You

"John Popelish" <jpopelish@rica.net> ???????:41F5CD88.3D0F98C3@rica.net...
VXXV wrote:


do anyone knows how does the Power Noisy Filter work?
And where can find such of information for my research?

Thank You

Line noise filters place an impedance mismatch between the line and
the device, so that noise tends to reflect off it rather than pass

A good source of typical design info is in the datasheets for actual
prepackaged filters. Simulating those designs in Spice will
demonstrate what is going on inside those designs. If the data sheets
do not have values, you may have to take a few filters apart and
measure the component values. The inductors shown with a circular two
ended arrow inside are transformers with two tightly coupled
windings. These can have high inductance (no gaps in the core) for
common mode noise currents (going the same way in each line) because
the differential currents (the normal current that comes in one line
goes through the load and goes back out the other line) produce
canceling magnetic fields that do not magnetize the core. These, of
course present little impedance in the way of normal load current

for example:
John Popelish
VXXV wrote:
Thanks your reply !

Why do I have such idea, because my friend (he interested in playing Hi-Fi)
and tell me that there has a device for plug to home mains supply, It like a
black box terminal) When use it , the sound become obviously quite.

So, I am looking for detail for DIY such device and try in my Hi-Fi
Did your post information is same theorey?

Thank You
Probably not. The noise filters I describe are intended to reduce
radio frequency interference between nearby circuits operating from
the same supply line. (For example, your computer can produce visible
interference on a nearby television screen) Unless your friend is
thinking about the sound from a radio receiver, I doubt that there is
any noticeable audio effect in using such filters. There amy be cases
of very poorly designed amplifiers having line frequency hum, but
these filters will probably not cure that.

John Popelish

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