Trevor Wilson
OK, looks like Sydney will suffer some blackouts this coming Summer. I
figure I need to start looking for a suitable generator. I figure I'll limit
myself to 4 stroke engines, for reasons of noise, maintenance, pollution and
fuel economy. The trick, I guess is to work out how big a device I need.
1kVA should be adequate to run the workshop and a TV or two. How big will I
need to go to run the 'fridge as well? Maybe the microwave. I guess the
microwave won't require substantial start-up capacity, but the 'fridge will.
How well can generators cope with motor start-ups? Any thoughts, experiences
and suggestions will be welcome.
Trevor Wilson
figure I need to start looking for a suitable generator. I figure I'll limit
myself to 4 stroke engines, for reasons of noise, maintenance, pollution and
fuel economy. The trick, I guess is to work out how big a device I need.
1kVA should be adequate to run the workshop and a TV or two. How big will I
need to go to run the 'fridge as well? Maybe the microwave. I guess the
microwave won't require substantial start-up capacity, but the 'fridge will.
How well can generators cope with motor start-ups? Any thoughts, experiences
and suggestions will be welcome.
Trevor Wilson