power flu gas fire fault



My power flu gas fire works fine for ages and then just will not wor
for weeks. The switch to turn on the fan will not go on, so the gas wil
not release. Plumber cannot find the fault. It will all of a sudden wor
again. confused ! advice please please i cannot aford a new on

On Oct 18, 4:06 am, Janla <Janla.ac5c...@diybanter.com> wrote:
My power flu gas fire works fine for ages and then just will not work
for weeks. The switch to turn on the fan will not go on, so the gas will
not release. Plumber cannot find the fault. It will all of a sudden work
again. confused ! advice please please i cannot aford a new one

Intermittent switch first thoughts, more info on make and model would
lead to intelligent comments.
Janla <Janla.ac5c3e8@diybanter.com> wrote in message
My power flu gas fire works fine for ages and then just will not work
for weeks. The switch to turn on the fan will not go on, so the gas will
not release. Plumber cannot find the fault. It will all of a sudden work
again. confused ! advice please please i cannot aford a new one


boiler controllers are about the worst place for PbF solder
Get back here so we know we are not wasting time.

When the thermostat kicks on, that demand will immediately turn on the induction fan in a forced draft system. The fan will run for X time and a pressure sensor will tell if there is a pressure buildup in the flue.

However you are not even getting that far. If the induction fan never turns on, it could be the thermostat itself. You could just short the wires when it doesn't work, if it does then, it is the thermostat. If it doesn't, it may be the control board. Though the induction fan is the first thing to turn on when the demand is called, it is not directly connected as it would be in a normallt aspirated flue system. It goes to the PC board. This is because it remains runniing for a short time after the demand it met. There is a timer involved.

When it doesn't work, short the wires to the thermostat out and see if it does.


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