If I have a power supply similar to a computer power supply where it's
rated at 300W, what is the proper way to figure out what my actual power
usage is when I have this system running under its maximum load?
Here's what I've done so far....
I have a power supply that provides 24.5 volts and 5.1 volts DC output,
I find I can run a total current of 9 amps continuous, or 20 amps peak
before tripping the internal protection.
When I put a current probe on the 24.5 and 5.1 volt lines,
using a digital scope with math functions, I get 8 amps RMS on the 24 volt
line and 1.15 amps RMS on the 5.1 volt line, in my worst case use of the
I'm trying to decide what power dissipation I have...
With my scope, I saved 30,000 points of voltage and current data against
the same time line, and I
imported this V, I data to a spreadsheet....and created a new calculation
where I multiplied V * I for each data point...for instantanious power per
sample. I then squared each V * I data value, summed it, divided by 30,000
samples, and took the square root...hoping to find RMS power.
With 8 amps at 24.5 volts and 1.15 amps at 5.1 volts, I found about 200W
power dissipation...
Does this make sense? I'm not experienced with "power" electronics to be
confident about it so I wanted to seek advice.
rated at 300W, what is the proper way to figure out what my actual power
usage is when I have this system running under its maximum load?
Here's what I've done so far....
I have a power supply that provides 24.5 volts and 5.1 volts DC output,
I find I can run a total current of 9 amps continuous, or 20 amps peak
before tripping the internal protection.
When I put a current probe on the 24.5 and 5.1 volt lines,
using a digital scope with math functions, I get 8 amps RMS on the 24 volt
line and 1.15 amps RMS on the 5.1 volt line, in my worst case use of the
I'm trying to decide what power dissipation I have...
With my scope, I saved 30,000 points of voltage and current data against
the same time line, and I
imported this V, I data to a spreadsheet....and created a new calculation
where I multiplied V * I for each data point...for instantanious power per
sample. I then squared each V * I data value, summed it, divided by 30,000
samples, and took the square root...hoping to find RMS power.
With 8 amps at 24.5 volts and 1.15 amps at 5.1 volts, I found about 200W
power dissipation...
Does this make sense? I'm not experienced with "power" electronics to be
confident about it so I wanted to seek advice.