I have an automatic wash bay that is being shipped in from Italy. I've
received the custom computer circuits already for testing, and they are
powered at 230V 50HZ and draw ~1A X 2 devices.
These circuits are in a closed box and include a badge card reader, a
RS485 -> RS232 chip, various specialized computer chips, a lamp rated
at 50HZ, several relays including Omron MY2 220/240VAC (S) and a row of
other relays that I cannot identify, a pizzo for sound, several circuit
breakers, and a Telemecanique ABL7 RM1202 power converter that takes
100-240VAC and turns it into 12VDC.
Obviously the DC circuits are not a problem, but my concern is the
relays, and other potentially frequency sensitive parts. The AC input
junction directly feeds to several of these circuits.
While I am tempted to just buy a 110V -> 230V AC-AC converter, this is
not cheap hardware. I would rather purchase something that both
converts 110V to 230V and 60HZ to 50HZ.
I am not an electronics guy. I am a computer programmer. While I have
some electronics classes under by belt, I would want to purchase such
equipment. But I don't know where to look. Google searching has not
found me anything.
Any links?
Edwin Davidson
received the custom computer circuits already for testing, and they are
powered at 230V 50HZ and draw ~1A X 2 devices.
These circuits are in a closed box and include a badge card reader, a
RS485 -> RS232 chip, various specialized computer chips, a lamp rated
at 50HZ, several relays including Omron MY2 220/240VAC (S) and a row of
other relays that I cannot identify, a pizzo for sound, several circuit
breakers, and a Telemecanique ABL7 RM1202 power converter that takes
100-240VAC and turns it into 12VDC.
Obviously the DC circuits are not a problem, but my concern is the
relays, and other potentially frequency sensitive parts. The AC input
junction directly feeds to several of these circuits.
While I am tempted to just buy a 110V -> 230V AC-AC converter, this is
not cheap hardware. I would rather purchase something that both
converts 110V to 230V and 60HZ to 50HZ.
I am not an electronics guy. I am a computer programmer. While I have
some electronics classes under by belt, I would want to purchase such
equipment. But I don't know where to look. Google searching has not
found me anything.
Any links?
Edwin Davidson