I am using some controller boards to run 2 12v motors. The board that I am
using needs a 5k pot to serve as the input. The pot center is neutral when
turned to the right the motor goes forward and when turned to the left the
motor goes in reverse. I would like to use a 10k pot joystick that I
already have purchased since it is what would work best for the way I have
designed the control system. Is there anyway to make a 10k pot act like a
5k pot or is there a way to maniuplate the signal??? Help!!!
using needs a 5k pot to serve as the input. The pot center is neutral when
turned to the right the motor goes forward and when turned to the left the
motor goes in reverse. I would like to use a 10k pot joystick that I
already have purchased since it is what would work best for the way I have
designed the control system. Is there anyway to make a 10k pot act like a
5k pot or is there a way to maniuplate the signal??? Help!!!