Biking is much more fun than electronics, especially as summer is
icumen in, but do you youngsters *know* about it?
E.g. you know that its a lot more fun discharging a small 370V
capacitor than a *huge* 5V one because energy is proportional to the
voltage *squared* (because if you double voltage then the current
doubles too and energy is their product)because
Energy = CV^2
| |
| |
V | Energy |
| |
| |
| |
The same thing applied to speed. If you double the speed you quaduple
the energy because Energy = MV^2
So if you hit a massive artic' while doing 1 mph (the lorry is
stationary) on yer bike then (assuming you weight "one" unit) you will
dissipate one unit of energy.
If you hit the same vehicle at 101 mph when it is doing 100 mph then,
ignoring the lorry's slight speed increase, you will dissipate the
difference between you doing 101 and 100 i.e.
101*101 - 100*100 == ~200
That's nearly 200 hundred times more dangerous.
Wazzat? ya don't believe it? (The local boy racer is reading this over
my shoulder, he is snorting disbelief). Well if you prefer a belief
system to a mathematical system then look at it this way: How much
energy do you have to put it to get ya bike up to 1 mph? Not much, you
just start pushing it and after a couple of strides both of you are up
to 1 mph but what about 100 to 101? First of all you have to *be*
running at 100 *before* you start pushing and *then* you must push and
get it to 101. The ground you have to cover *while* pushing is
evidently a hellofalot more. Does that not seem like a *lot* more
stored energy to you?
Robin Pain (ouch)
icumen in, but do you youngsters *know* about it?
E.g. you know that its a lot more fun discharging a small 370V
capacitor than a *huge* 5V one because energy is proportional to the
voltage *squared* (because if you double voltage then the current
doubles too and energy is their product)because
Energy = CV^2
| |
| |
V | Energy |
| |
| |
| |
The same thing applied to speed. If you double the speed you quaduple
the energy because Energy = MV^2
So if you hit a massive artic' while doing 1 mph (the lorry is
stationary) on yer bike then (assuming you weight "one" unit) you will
dissipate one unit of energy.
If you hit the same vehicle at 101 mph when it is doing 100 mph then,
ignoring the lorry's slight speed increase, you will dissipate the
difference between you doing 101 and 100 i.e.
101*101 - 100*100 == ~200
That's nearly 200 hundred times more dangerous.
Wazzat? ya don't believe it? (The local boy racer is reading this over
my shoulder, he is snorting disbelief). Well if you prefer a belief
system to a mathematical system then look at it this way: How much
energy do you have to put it to get ya bike up to 1 mph? Not much, you
just start pushing it and after a couple of strides both of you are up
to 1 mph but what about 100 to 101? First of all you have to *be*
running at 100 *before* you start pushing and *then* you must push and
get it to 101. The ground you have to cover *while* pushing is
evidently a hellofalot more. Does that not seem like a *lot* more
stored energy to you?
Robin Pain (ouch)