Portable Generator of visual stimuli



Hi all,
I want to built or purchase a device with the follwing specification:

Imagine a box 10x10x10cm,
with two medium sizes lamps on it one left one right, preferably
something that can be commercially available so it can be easily replaced.

I want these two lamps to light randomly for example Left/L/R/L/R/R
I want to be able to control maximum and minimum interval between the
light signal and the total number
of signals whithin a standard period of time, lets say two minutes.

I would like that to be powered by a 9V battery, again that standard
ones available.

How easy it is to make somthing like that and how much it will cost??
Any pointers to something similae

This device is going to be used in sport reflexes/reaction training.


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"vasileiosh" <vasileios_at_ntlworld_dot_com@foo.com> wrote in message
Hi all,
I want to built or purchase a device with the follwing specification:

Imagine a box 10x10x10cm,
with two medium sizes lamps on it one left one right, preferably
something that can be commercially available so it can be easily replaced.

I want these two lamps to light randomly for example Left/L/R/L/R/R
I want to be able to control maximum and minimum interval between the
light signal and the total number
of signals whithin a standard period of time, lets say two minutes.

I would like that to be powered by a 9V battery, again that standard
ones available.

How easy it is to make somthing like that and how much it will cost??
Any pointers to something similae

This device is going to be used in sport reflexes/reaction training.
You are not asking for something that can not be constructed within
reasonable price constraints.
If you mean by "9V battery", the standard MN1604 type then I would suggest
using LEDs.
Maybe someone here will design it for you for free but I don't have the
Best Regards,
Tom Biasi wrote:
"vasileiosh" <vasileios_at_ntlworld_dot_com@foo.com> wrote in message

Hi all,
I want to built or purchase a device with the follwing specification:

Imagine a box 10x10x10cm,
with two medium sizes lamps on it one left one right, preferably
something that can be commercially available so it can be easily replaced.

I want these two lamps to light randomly for example Left/L/R/L/R/R
I want to be able to control maximum and minimum interval between the
light signal and the total number
of signals whithin a standard period of time, lets say two minutes.

I would like that to be powered by a 9V battery, again that standard
ones available.

How easy it is to make somthing like that and how much it will cost??
Any pointers to something similae

This device is going to be used in sport reflexes/reaction training.

You are not asking for something that can not be constructed within
reasonable price constraints.
If you mean by "9V battery", the standard MN1604 type then I would suggest
using LEDs.
Maybe someone here will design it for you for free but I don't have the
Best Regards,
Give some thought to exactly what you mean when you say "random" then
apply timing constraints to it.
I'd put a pair of LEDs on a glasses frame and power them from the serial
or parallel port of your laptop. Program should be trivial.
Once you figure out what works and finalize your design, you can build
it around a single-chip processor with almost no parts. The hard part
is gonna be the user interface to change the parameters. Although you
could hook it momentarily to a computer to set it up.

Trying to do it without some programmable part is gonna be tough.
Of course, if you change or relax your requirements, that chould change.

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vasileios_at_ntlworld_dot_com@foo.com (vasileiosh) wrote:

Hi all,
I want to built or purchase a device with the follwing specification:

Imagine a box 10x10x10cm,
with two medium sizes lamps on it one left one right, preferably
something that can be commercially available so it can be easily replaced.

I want these two lamps to light randomly for example Left/L/R/L/R/R
I want to be able to control maximum and minimum interval between the
light signal and the total number
of signals whithin a standard period of time, lets say two minutes.

I would like that to be powered by a 9V battery, again that standard
ones available.

How easy it is to make somthing like that and how much it will cost??
Any pointers to something similae

This device is going to be used in sport reflexes/reaction training.
Some additional information you would need to specify before anyone
could design this:

Do you really mean 'random' in the strictest sense of the word? I
suspect not, and that a pseudo-random result of sufficiently long
period would be OK. (Circuit complexity is greater for a genuinely
random output.)

Needs more precise specification. For example:
"Min interval between any two signals = 1 s; Max = 10 s."

Needs more precise specification, and recognition that this is not
independent of the Interval setting. For example:
"Min number of signals in 2 mins = 10; max = 30."
That would be inconsistent with the Interval definition above, unless
you were clear which setting was dominant.

You haven't specified the (presumably fixed) length of the light
signal. Obviously, this too is not an independent control, although if
it's a mere 'flash' then that is ignorable in practice.

It sounds as if it will have commercial value. Personally, if I was
delivering a finished design or prototype, I'd expect to be paid <g>.

Terry Pinnell
Hobbyist, West Sussex, UK

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