Winfield Hill
I selected a Maxim MAX4239 opamp for a low-power design
project, for its 2.5uV offset, its Iq = 0.6mA, and for
G>10, its 6.5MHz GBW. For G=10, that's a 650kHz -3dB
bandwidth. Slew 1.6V/us. Response, t = 1/pi 650kHz =
0.5us. But the datasheet's 0.1% settling time spec is
500us, 1000x times slower! Makes little sense. Sad.
Dunno whether to believe a very poor datasheet number.
- Win
project, for its 2.5uV offset, its Iq = 0.6mA, and for
G>10, its 6.5MHz GBW. For G=10, that's a 650kHz -3dB
bandwidth. Slew 1.6V/us. Response, t = 1/pi 650kHz =
0.5us. But the datasheet's 0.1% settling time spec is
500us, 1000x times slower! Makes little sense. Sad.
Dunno whether to believe a very poor datasheet number.
- Win