MY friend would like me to help him build a cheap electric fence. I found lots of designs, and of course we could go solid state but the simplicity of this one really intrigues me.
I showed him the schematic and he questioned if the repeated opening and closing of the flasher points used in this application would quickly burn them out. I was thinking that in spite of the inductive component, the load of the coil would be much less than the load imposed by a lighting circuit. So I thought that combined with the correct capacitor and perhaps the addition of a small snubber circuit (a small resistor in series with the capacitor) would cut down on the sparking. Perhaps I'm way off base here. Does anyone have any opinions on this or has anyone ever done this? This uses a standard automotive ignition coil. Thanks, Lenny
I showed him the schematic and he questioned if the repeated opening and closing of the flasher points used in this application would quickly burn them out. I was thinking that in spite of the inductive component, the load of the coil would be much less than the load imposed by a lighting circuit. So I thought that combined with the correct capacitor and perhaps the addition of a small snubber circuit (a small resistor in series with the capacitor) would cut down on the sparking. Perhaps I'm way off base here. Does anyone have any opinions on this or has anyone ever done this? This uses a standard automotive ignition coil. Thanks, Lenny