Plugging MP3 player into microphone port

Reception centre only has a microphone port available .. 'black box'
amp somewhere in the building but all they'll give me is a microphone

I want to play MP3s down the line, but am concerned putting
headphone-level down the microphone line.

What's the best way to do it? I have a DI box that (IIRC) takes line
level down to microphone level, would that suffice? Would there be a
better way to do it?

If I leave the volume low on the player, that will give me close enough
output to line level right?

Any other suggestions that can be implemented really quick?

Rick Measham
On 2006-02-09, <> wrote:
Reception centre only has a microphone port available .. 'black box'
amp somewhere in the building but all they'll give me is a microphone

I want to play MP3s down the line, but am concerned putting
headphone-level down the microphone line.

What's the best way to do it? I have a DI box that (IIRC) takes line
level down to microphone level, would that suffice? Would there be a
better way to do it?
headphone level is not far above line level, turn the volume down it'll
be OK.

If I leave the volume low on the player, that will give me close enough
output to line level right?

Any other suggestions that can be implemented really quick?
an L-pad.



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