Plotting frequency with time...


R Wilcock

Hi all,

I was wondering if it is possible to plot the frequency of a waveform with
changing period using the calculator? For example if I want to evaluate the
performance of a VCO I would want to plot the voltage input against the
frequency output...

Any ideas?


R Wilcock <> wrote:
Hi all,

I was wondering if it is possible to plot the frequency of a waveform with
changing period using the calculator? For example if I want to evaluate the
performance of a VCO I would want to plot the voltage input against the
frequency output...

Any ideas?
I did this not long ago. What I did was to use a parametric analysis,
varying the control voltage and plotting amplitude and time. I then used
the calculator to calculate the frequency on the family of waveforms
(family -> pick one of the waveforms, special functions -> frequency,

"No one knows electricity better than the Amish." Homer Simpson

Two ways:

1. Use the freq_meter component in ahdlLib - this is an accurate way of doing
it, because it forces breakpoints at the zero-crossings.

2. Use the code below (this is a solution on sourcelink now).

Load the code, and then use (abRegInstFreqSpecialFunction) to register
it. It will then show up as a special function in the calculator.




Author A.D.Beckett
Group Custom IC (UK), Cadence Design Systems Ltd.
Language SKILL
Date Apr 13, 2004

Plots instantaneous frequency.

If using spectre, you'll get a more accurate result using the
freq_meter in ahdlLib, but this should be sufficient for
many purposes.


SCCS Info: @(#) 04/13/04.16:10:56 1.1


* *
* (abCreateInstFreqForm) *
* *
* Create the form for the calculator function *
* *

(procedure (abCreateInstFreqForm)
(let (start stop threshold edgeType)
(setq start (ahiCreateStringField
?name 'start
?prompt "Start Time"
?value "0"
(setq stop (ahiCreateStringField
?name 'stop
?prompt "Stop Time"
?value "0"
(setq threshold (ahiCreateStringField
?name 'threshold
?prompt "Threshold"
?value "0.0"
(setq edgeType (ahiCreateCyclicField
?name 'edgeType
?prompt "Edge Type"
?value "rising"
?choices '("rising" "falling")
(list (list start 0:0 180:20 90)
(list stop 0:30 180:20 90)
(list threshold 0:60 180:20 90)
(list edgeType 0:90 180:20 90)

* *
* (abInstFreqSpecialFunctionCB) *
* *
* The callback function which actually creates the special function *
* *

(procedure (abInstFreqSpecialFunctionCB)
?formSym 'abInstFreqForm
?formInitProc 'abCreateInstFreqForm
?formTitle "Instantaneous Frequency"
"calSpecialFunctionInput( 'abInstFreq '(start stop threshold edgeType))"

* *
* (abRegInstFreqSpecialFunction) *
* *
* Register the special function. Pass t as argument if you're *
* using 4.3.4. 4.4.X doesn't need this. *
* *

(procedure (abRegInstFreqSpecialFunction)
(list "instFreq..." 'abInstFreqSpecialFunctionCB))

* *
* (abInstFreq waveform start stop threshold [edgeType]) *
* *
* Produce a waveform of instantaneous frequency versus time. Can *
* either be done on the positive or negative edges - and can be *
* clipped to just part of the waveform. *
* *

(procedure (abInstFreq waveform start stop threshold @optional
(edgeType "rising"))
; Handle ordinary waveform
((drIsWaveform waveform)
(let (xVec len clipped crosses firstEdge period
outXVec outYVec)
(setq xVec (drGetWaveformXVec waveform))
(setq len (drVectorLength xVec))
; if no start given (start less or equal to 0), use first time point
(when (leqp start 0)
(setq start (drGetElem xVec 0)))
; if no stop given (stop less or equal to 0), use last time point
(when (leqp stop 0)
(setq stop (drGetElem xVec (sub1 len))))
; cast everything to floats, just to make sure
(setq start (float start))
(setq stop (float stop))
; clip the waveform
(setq clipped (clip waveform start stop))
; Build the waveform
(setq outXVec (drCreateVec 'double 1))
(setq outYVec (drCreateVec 'double 1))
; And find the crossing points, and then convert them to
; instantaneous frequency
(setq crosses (cross clipped threshold 0 edgeType))
(setq firstEdge (car crosses))
(foreach cross (cdr crosses)
(setq period (difference cross firstEdge))
(when (greaterp (abs period) 1.0e-37)
(drAddElem outXVec cross)
(drAddElem outYVec 1.0/period)
(setq firstEdge cross)
(drCreateWaveform outXVec outYVec)
(error "abInstFreq - can't handle %L\n" waveform)
) ; cond
) ; procedure

On Wed, 16 Jun 2004 11:58:42 +0100, "R Wilcock" <>

Hi all,

I was wondering if it is possible to plot the frequency of a waveform with
changing period using the calculator? For example if I want to evaluate the
performance of a VCO I would want to plot the voltage input against the
frequency output...

Any ideas?


Andrew Beckett
Senior Technical Leader
Custom IC Solutions
Cadence Design Systems Ltd

Welcome to

