Florian Schlembach
I am dealing with a synchronised design where I implement pipeline stages after each operation:
-------------code snippet start -------------
wire strobe_sq_round;
reg strobe_sq_round_reg;
round_sd #(.WIDTH_IN(31),.WIDTH_OUT(16)) round_q
always @(posedge clock) begin
if(strobe_sq_round) begin
sq_round_q_reg <= sq_round_q;
strobe_sq_round_reg <= strobe_sq_round;
always @(posedge clock) begin
if(strobe_sq_round) begin
sq_round_i_reg <= sq_round_i;
sq_round_q_reg <= sq_round_q;
strobe_sq_round_reg <= strobe_sq_round;
sign_extend #(.bits_in(16), .bits_out(18)) sign_extend_cu_q (.in(sq_round_q_reg), .out(sq_se_q));
MULT18X18 cube_q
(.P(cu_q), .A(sq_se_q), .B(din_se_q_reg));
-------------code snippet end -------------
The pipeline stage strobe_sq_round_reg/sq_round_q_reg gets synthesised out so that the output of the round_q module is routed directly through the sign_extend_cu_q module and the cube_q multiplier. See the synthesis result (actually its RTL schematic, but post-synthesis is the same) here: http://qupload.com/images/087847bf27.png
As a consequence, I am getting a critical path because the rounding operation is performed within the same cycle of the mult-op.
How does it come that my pipeline stage gets optimised out and how do I prevent it? I am using XST as the synthesis tool. Register balancing is on, could that be the root cause? If yes, how can I get XST to retain my pipeline logic?
-------------code snippet start -------------
wire strobe_sq_round;
reg strobe_sq_round_reg;
round_sd #(.WIDTH_IN(31),.WIDTH_OUT(16)) round_q
always @(posedge clock) begin
if(strobe_sq_round) begin
sq_round_q_reg <= sq_round_q;
strobe_sq_round_reg <= strobe_sq_round;
always @(posedge clock) begin
if(strobe_sq_round) begin
sq_round_i_reg <= sq_round_i;
sq_round_q_reg <= sq_round_q;
strobe_sq_round_reg <= strobe_sq_round;
sign_extend #(.bits_in(16), .bits_out(18)) sign_extend_cu_q (.in(sq_round_q_reg), .out(sq_se_q));
MULT18X18 cube_q
(.P(cu_q), .A(sq_se_q), .B(din_se_q_reg));
-------------code snippet end -------------
The pipeline stage strobe_sq_round_reg/sq_round_q_reg gets synthesised out so that the output of the round_q module is routed directly through the sign_extend_cu_q module and the cube_q multiplier. See the synthesis result (actually its RTL schematic, but post-synthesis is the same) here: http://qupload.com/images/087847bf27.png
As a consequence, I am getting a critical path because the rounding operation is performed within the same cycle of the mult-op.
How does it come that my pipeline stage gets optimised out and how do I prevent it? I am using XST as the synthesis tool. Register balancing is on, could that be the root cause? If yes, how can I get XST to retain my pipeline logic?