Pioneer SD P5193-K Big Screen Projection TV



I've got a Pioneer SD P5193-K Big Screen Projection TV here and it
simply won't turn on. I read up a bit on it, and it seems to be in
"Circuit Protective Mode" or something. the little red light in the
front, and the one on the board inside are lit, and it makes the
clicking sound when you power it on. I was wondering if theres a way
to override this in any way.. I know this is generally unrecommended,
but logically, if the protective mode is disabled, it will simply re-
enable itself if theres something seriously wrong with it. and I don't
feel like spending 150+ bucks just to have someone do something which
theres a chance I could do myself for less or free.
any recommendations?
On Dec 29, 3:44 pm, kronflux <> wrote:
I've got a Pioneer SD P5193-K Big Screen Projection TV here and it
simply won't turn on. I read up a bit on it, and it seems to be in
"Circuit Protective Mode" or something. the little red light in the
front, and the one on the board inside are lit, and it makes the
clicking sound when you power it on. I was wondering if theres a way
to override this in any way.. I know this is generally unrecommended,
but logically, if the protective mode is disabled, it will simply re-
enable itself if theres something seriously wrong with it. and I don't
feel like spending 150+ bucks just to have someone do something which
theres a chance I could do myself for less or free.
any recommendations?
what do you have on your hot, and how about the regulater voltage are
they ok,.sometimes the hot goes bad not enough to blow but just not
doing it's job,
"kronflux" <> wrote in message
I've got a Pioneer SD P5193-K Big Screen Projection TV here and it
simply won't turn on. I read up a bit on it, and it seems to be in
"Circuit Protective Mode" or something. the little red light in the
front, and the one on the board inside are lit, and it makes the
clicking sound when you power it on. I was wondering if theres a way
to override this in any way.. I know this is generally unrecommended,
but logically, if the protective mode is disabled, it will simply re-
enable itself if theres something seriously wrong with it. and I don't
feel like spending 150+ bucks just to have someone do something which
theres a chance I could do myself for less or free.
any recommendations?

There are lots of problems that can be done by DIYers, but this set is not a
good candidate for it. Other than resoldering a few hundred connections
that are often a problem, or the occasional STK ouput IC that is bad, here
are lots of problems that are not difficult for someone with electronics
troubleshooting skills and a good understanding of CRT based RPTV can track
down, but would be nearly impossible for a novice. I suggest you find
someone who is very familiar with these sets.


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