Pioneer CT-W450R Tape Deck Problem



I was in need of a new receiver and I saw a Pioneer receiver,tape deck
and speakers at the salvation army for $50.00 the other day. I thought
the price was a bit steep considering everything there is sold as is but
I took I chance on it.

The receiver and speakers work great and the tape deck was working
too....then I pushed the little arrow button that changed it to the
other side and it quit on me. Like a fool,I tried the same thing on the
other tape compartment and it quit on me too. Both tape compartments
were playing good until I tried to switch sides. Now all that happens
when I try to play either side is a small click and no movement of the
tape. It will then switch to the rewind mode for a couple of
seconds(still with no movement of the tape) then start in the play mode
again(still with no movement of the tape). After doing this about 10
times,it will finally shut down. Any idea what the problem might be? I
noticed some missing screws on the back so I'm guessing the previous
owner had problems with it too.

Thanks for any help.

Probably loose belts. The flywheel has to rotate the lifter gear, when the
belt slips it can't complete the operation. Since the motor is not
reversible, it just keeps trying to rotate through. You could temporarily
get past this by removing the cover and rotating the flywheels through
manually. To really fix the problem of course you need new belts.

Mark Z.

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have rendered my regular e-mail address useless.

"Kevin" <> wrote in message
I was in need of a new receiver and I saw a Pioneer receiver,tape deck
and speakers at the salvation army for $50.00 the other day. I thought
the price was a bit steep considering everything there is sold as is but
I took I chance on it.

The receiver and speakers work great and the tape deck was working
too....then I pushed the little arrow button that changed it to the
other side and it quit on me. Like a fool,I tried the same thing on the
other tape compartment and it quit on me too. Both tape compartments
were playing good until I tried to switch sides. Now all that happens
when I try to play either side is a small click and no movement of the
tape. It will then switch to the rewind mode for a couple of
seconds(still with no movement of the tape) then start in the play mode
again(still with no movement of the tape). After doing this about 10
times,it will finally shut down. Any idea what the problem might be? I
noticed some missing screws on the back so I'm guessing the previous
owner had problems with it too.

Thanks for any help.


I opened the unit up and I could see a little white plastic piece with a
small spring attached to it. That was the clicking noise I was hearing.
I fiddled with it a bit and it started working again. The right tape
compartment was a little tougher to get to but I got that one working as
well. I switched it to where it will just play one side and then stop.
That's good enough for me. Thanks for your help.

That's got to be an old tape deck. If you want it to be reliable, you're
gonna have to replace the rubber anyway. It might cure your current problem
as well...and sound better in the bargain.


Kevin wrote:

I opened the unit up and I could see a little white plastic piece
with a small spring attached to it. That was the clicking noise I was
hearing. I fiddled with it a bit and it started working again. The
right tape compartment was a little tougher to get to but I got that
one working as well. I switched it to where it will just play one
side and then stop. That's good enough for me. Thanks for your help.


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