pinout on FND357 7 segment led

"if" ( writes:
Can anyone give me the pinout on the FND357 7 segment display

It's pretty easy to figure out the pinout of an LED readout.

Take a nine volt battery, and solder a 1k resistor and some leads
to it. Take one lead and connect it at random to a pin. Then take
the other lead, and go through the other pins, until a segment on
the LED lights. If nothing happens, then reverse the polarity of
the leads, and try again.

Once you get one segment to light, then you know that one of those
pins is common to all the segements in the readout. Whether it's anode
or cathode depends on whether the readout is common cathode or common
anode. If you know anything about the readout, then you will know
this already. If not, then it's simple to do some more testing.

Once you've figured the common pin on the readout, and the polarity,
then it's simply matter of using the other lead to figure out which
pins go with which segments.

In reality, there is generally standardization for 7 segment readouts,
so you can look up anyone, and use that to test the hypothesis. Saves
a tiny bit of effort, but not much.

It's actually harder to write this down than to actually use the scheme
to figure out the pinout.

Of course, you can always pop the part number in a search engine, maybe
adding "pin-out", and you likely can find the pinout.

"if" <> wrote in message
Can anyone give me the pinout on the FND357 7 segment display
FND357/FND367 Pinout

1. Common Cathode
2. F
3. G
4. E
5. D
6. Common Cathode
7. Decimal Point
8. C
9. B
10. A

End with grooves indicates Pin 1 / 10.


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