I am a student of ME. I am doing my final year project on
piezoelectric in shoes. Piezoelectric is located in shoes, while
walking, piezoelectric compressed and it generates an electric signal.
this electric signal is stored in capacitor in other words, this
electric signal charges a capacitor.
I need a piezoelectri for this application. which type of electric
suits? which specifications i need to buy it? do you have any idea ,
from where i can buy it online?
Arjav Bavarva.
I am a student of ME. I am doing my final year project on
piezoelectric in shoes. Piezoelectric is located in shoes, while
walking, piezoelectric compressed and it generates an electric signal.
this electric signal is stored in capacitor in other words, this
electric signal charges a capacitor.
I need a piezoelectri for this application. which type of electric
suits? which specifications i need to buy it? do you have any idea ,
from where i can buy it online?
Arjav Bavarva.