


For a basic application I've identified the 16F505 as a suitable micro.
This is the first time I have used a flash programmable IC.

Port bits RB0 and RB1 are the ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK respectively. These
lines are going to be left dedicated to programming only, I don't need
them for 'normal' operation. My question is; as these IOs are not used
when my code is running, can I leave them as unconnected inputs with the
weak pull-ups on or should they be configured as outputs?

Thanks for any advice,
In message <i9_qd.26409$up1.4342@text.news.blueyonder.co.uk>, Neil
<NeilC@despammed.com> writes
Leaving them as inputs is safer than outputs - coz then it won't matter if
0v or 5V gets on them by mistake.
Good point!

I've just started with PICs also, using the 16F877A. Chose because it has
most stuff in.
But found (the hard way) that TRISE controls mode of PORTD, that low voltage
programming has to be disabled to allow use of portB<3>, and that portA<4
is open-drain. All in the datasheet/book - grrr. And that the BANKSEL
command in mpasm only does RP0.
ho hum, getting there slowly.
Think I'll check the data sheet on this one. Thanks for the comments

"simon" <simon@capella.demon.co.uk> wrote in message
For a basic application I've identified the 16F505 as a suitable micro.
This is the first time I have used a flash programmable IC.

Port bits RB0 and RB1 are the ICSPDAT and ICSPCLK respectively. These
lines are going to be left dedicated to programming only, I don't need
them for 'normal' operation. My question is; as these IOs are not used
when my code is running, can I leave them as unconnected inputs with the
weak pull-ups on or should they be configured as outputs?

Thanks for any advice,
Leaving them as inputs is safer than outputs - coz then it won't matter if
0v or 5V gets on them by mistake.
I've just started with PICs also, using the 16F877A. Chose because it has
most stuff in.
But found (the hard way) that TRISE controls mode of PORTD, that low voltage
programming has to be disabled to allow use of portB<3>, and that portA<4>
is open-drain. All in the datasheet/book - grrr. And that the BANKSEL
command in mpasm only does RP0.
ho hum, getting there slowly.

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