PIC Programmer needed



I'm in need of a PIC programmer.

Looking for someone to write appropriate MPASM or PIC BASIC software in
order for me complete a home/hobby design project. I am strictly an
analog guy and know nothing about PIC programming.

The application is very basic and should not require any major software

I do not have much money to spend but am willing to offer something
reasonable as a hobbyist.

Anyone interested in a weekend PIC programming project, for a few
dollars, email me at acertm1@yahoo.com and I will forward you details
of the project.

Thanks in advance.
"acertm1" <acertm1@yahoo.com> wrote

I'm in need of a PIC programmer.

Looking for someone to write appropriate MPASM or PIC BASIC software in
order for me complete a home/hobby design project.
I advise getting somebody local who can come over and help troubleshoot
the system.

Doing this sort of thing over the telephone wires is hard even
for those who have been doing it for 20 years, have identical
working systems at each end and both are engineers conversant in the
source code.

If your system is one-of and that doesn't yet work (no PIC, yah?)
and who's programming is done over the net then two people who
should be friends will soon be enemies.

There are some lessons one has to learn for oneself, and
who knows - you might have success.

Nicholas O. Lindan, Cleveland, Ohio
Consulting Engineer: Electronics; Informatics; Photonics.
To reply, remove spaces: n o lindan at ix . netcom . com
psst.. want to buy an f-stop timer? nolindan.com/da/fstop/
Try a local college or even a high school. Students need 'projects' to
complete any electronics tech. course at colleges, at least up here, so they
get experience doing your project and you'ld get the unit.
acertm1 wrote:
I'm in need of a PIC programmer.

Looking for someone to write appropriate MPASM or PIC BASIC software in
order for me complete a home/hobby design project. I am strictly an
analog guy and know nothing about PIC programming.

The application is very basic and should not require any major software

I do not have much money to spend but am willing to offer something
reasonable as a hobbyist.

Anyone interested in a weekend PIC programming project, for a few
dollars, email me at acertm1@yahoo.com and I will forward you details
of the project.

Thanks in advance.

The consensus is to do it locally, or roll-your-own. It's not that

Nice, neat, simple, full-features PIC programming language:

Nice, full-featured PIC/AVR/EEPROM programmer:

Having the ability to do it all yourself:

-- "I'd recommend anyone try a microcontroller once; just don't expect
to be any good at it." MCJ 200309
Nice, neat, simple, full-features PIC programming language:

Nice, full-featured PIC/AVR/EEPROM programmer:

Having the ability to do it all yourself:
And don't mis the number one PIC resource (after the Mircochip site,
of course): www.piclist.com

Wouter van Ooijen

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