I'm in need of a PIC programmer.
Looking for someone to write appropriate MPASM or PIC BASIC software in
order for me complete a home/hobby design project. I am strictly an
analog guy and know nothing about PIC programming.
The application is very basic and should not require any major software
I do not have much money to spend but am willing to offer something
reasonable as a hobbyist.
Anyone interested in a weekend PIC programming project, for a few
dollars, email me at acertm1@yahoo.com and I will forward you details
of the project.
Thanks in advance.
Looking for someone to write appropriate MPASM or PIC BASIC software in
order for me complete a home/hobby design project. I am strictly an
analog guy and know nothing about PIC programming.
The application is very basic and should not require any major software
I do not have much money to spend but am willing to offer something
reasonable as a hobbyist.
Anyone interested in a weekend PIC programming project, for a few
dollars, email me at acertm1@yahoo.com and I will forward you details
of the project.
Thanks in advance.