PIC MX32 GUVI (Grand Unified Variable Index)?



I'm dissecting MX32 'example code' to get a gut-level understanding of how
it all works. A major slowdown in that path is my inability to
understand the meanings of the variable names quickly, because I
don't know which 'include' file they are from, and searching is

For example, "MULT_20".

I guess (from context) it means '101' destined for bits 6:4 of the
DEVCGG2 Configuration Word Register to denote a 20x clock multiplier.

Assumptions make my neck itch, though.

Please tell me if there is an index where I can look up "MULT_20"
to quickly let me know what that variable really means and which
'include' file contains it?


On Tue, 05 Jun 2012 00:06:06 +0000, Winston wrote:

I'm dissecting MX32 'example code' to get a gut-level understanding of
how it all works. A major slowdown in that path is my inability to
understand the meanings of the variable names quickly, because I don't
know which 'include' file they are from, and searching is drudgery.

For example, "MULT_20".

I guess (from context) it means '101' destined for bits 6:4 of the
DEVCGG2 Configuration Word Register to denote a 20x clock multiplier.

Assumptions make my neck itch, though.

Please tell me if there is an index where I can look up "MULT_20" to
quickly let me know what that variable really means and which 'include'
file contains it?
I stumbled across a definition for MULT_20 in:
c:\Program Files\Microchip\mplab C32 Suite\pic32mx\lib\proc\32MX795F512H

It defines MULT_20 as I mentioned previously.
My takeaway is that there is no Grand Unified Variable Index and we can
only understand someone else's source by stumbling into definitions via
Random Dumb Luck.

Seems wasteful.



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