I am looking for a recommendation on a PIC mircrocontroller kit. I want
to make a timer to control several devices connect to an aquarium
(pumps, lights etc, all standard 120V devices). So I need a kit with
like 8 relays and a PIC chip that I can program to schedule the devices
on daily and weekly cycles. I'd prefer something that has a free or low
cost C compiler available.
I think I can figure out the programming aspect of it but I'd like to
avoid having to design the circuits well as program the chip.
Any ideas or references would be appreciated.
to make a timer to control several devices connect to an aquarium
(pumps, lights etc, all standard 120V devices). So I need a kit with
like 8 relays and a PIC chip that I can program to schedule the devices
on daily and weekly cycles. I'd prefer something that has a free or low
cost C compiler available.
I think I can figure out the programming aspect of it but I'd like to
avoid having to design the circuits well as program the chip.
Any ideas or references would be appreciated.