mook Jonhon
I'd like to serially transfer a hex program file to one pic then have
that PIC burn this firmware to another pic.
In this case it would be a PIC18 recieving the FW serially and a PIC16
having this burned to its memory. The PIC16 does support LV
I'm thinking something like the circuits in the ICD3 but I dont need
debugging. Simply erase, burn and verify functions.
Due to the limited SRAM in teh PIC18 can I burn the FW in cnunks?
Recieve 1K via serial, write 1K, verify, repeat for the next 1K,
When done perform a checksum match over hte address range.
I know this has been done before, can you point me to some resources.
I will look too but many time you guys will point to a better one that
I can find.
that PIC burn this firmware to another pic.
In this case it would be a PIC18 recieving the FW serially and a PIC16
having this burned to its memory. The PIC16 does support LV
I'm thinking something like the circuits in the ICD3 but I dont need
debugging. Simply erase, burn and verify functions.
Due to the limited SRAM in teh PIC18 can I burn the FW in cnunks?
Recieve 1K via serial, write 1K, verify, repeat for the next 1K,
When done perform a checksum match over hte address range.
I know this has been done before, can you point me to some resources.
I will look too but many time you guys will point to a better one that
I can find.