Phone Mate instructions for model 8000 or similar.



Does anyone have the instructions for a PhoneMate 8000 or similar,
especially the Beeperless Remote commands? The machine works -- maybe
I'll have to replace the rubber belt -- but I don't know all the
details about how to use it.

I can figure out most of how it works, but not the remote commands,
and there are probably features I can't guess. I know machines are
cheap these days, but I don't like them, because their lack of certain
features, etc.

I figure the remote commands, to call in and get messages, change
outgoing, etc. are the same in most or all PhoneMate machines.

This model has two microcasette tapes. It has pushbutton controls:
Rewind, Play, and F.Fwd in a group; and Erase and Save in a separate
small group, next to Record: Memo and CONVersation.

It has On/Off. And inside the lid, with the tapes, it has RECord and
CHecK greeting and SET and ADVance Time setting. It gives voice
commands but I'll bet any Beeperless Remote model, especially with
one-button playback, has the same basic instructions.

Thanks a lot.

(PhoneMate might use the same batteries as Casio, but I can't find
anything on the web, except the backup batteries it takes. Including
the Casion website, which doesn't say a word about PhoneMate.)


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