phillips television



the standby light comes on but none of the buttons at all work, it is the
same tv that i asked about previously, after a minute or so the screen would
go bright blue with the raster lines
visible. the voltage on the blue gun is normally 165 volts but drops to zero
when it goes blue. there was 14volts measured on the base of the transistor
on the neck of the tube which drops to 9volts when it goes blue. but now
nothing except the standby light. any ideas ?
You did not mention a model number. For many types of faults, this is

From what I have seen in other sets, it sounds like the CRT is most likely
having an intermittent short. With this occurrence, I am very sure, that
there must have been some damage along with this. Using a set with a defect,
will usually cause more problems. The horizontal and or HV output section
may be damaged, and most likely the power supply as well. It is common that
if there is a failure in the output sections, the power supply will also
have to be serviced.

Without taking the necessary readings, and properly troubleshooting the set
it is hard to be 100% sure about any type of fault condition. This is only
a guess based on personal experience.



Jerry Greenberg GLG Technologies GLG

"Aneuploidy" <> wrote in message
the standby light comes on but none of the buttons at all work, it is the
same tv that i asked about previously, after a minute or so the screen would
go bright blue with the raster lines
visible. the voltage on the blue gun is normally 165 volts but drops to zero
when it goes blue. there was 14volts measured on the base of the transistor
on the neck of the tube which drops to 9volts when it goes blue. but now
nothing except the standby light. any ideas ?

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